on 01-07-2019 11:33
on 01-07-2019 11:34
Follow the help here and customer service will sort it for you https://community.o2.co.uk/t5/How-to-Guides/Lost-or-Stolen-O2-Device-How-to-Report-it/ba-p/1023988
on 01-07-2019 11:34
Follow the help here and customer service will sort it for you https://community.o2.co.uk/t5/How-to-Guides/Lost-or-Stolen-O2-Device-How-to-Report-it/ba-p/1023988
on 01-07-2019 11:36
Many modern phones have tracking apps which may help in tracking the phones whereabouts
on 01-07-2019 21:17