on 06-10-2021 12:59
I've used up all my data - again - and have realised that I didn't change my tariff last time, because I couldn't do that AND add more data for the rest of the month. So I added data for the rest of the month and forgot to go back and change the tariff.
Obviously I can set some sort of reminder, but it seems really stupid that I can't change the tariff from the start of the next billing period (in 12 days) AND add some more data to last me until then.
Is this deliberately stupid, or am I missing something?
Solved! Go to Solution.
on 06-10-2021 14:45
Customers can only make one change per month themselves.
For additional changes, you can call O2 Guide: Coronavirus Community Help and Support
on 06-10-2021 14:45
Customers can only make one change per month themselves.
For additional changes, you can call O2 Guide: Coronavirus Community Help and Support