on 04-05-2020 11:54
HI, I'm Clive and I have had a gut fullof O2. On **Personal info**20 my contract with O2/carphone warehouse expired. An email from O2 said my monthly charge would now be reduced from £38.97 to £25+pence. Yet it has not been reduced. Can I speak to anyone about it? NO! The web site any help? NO!
If O2 shops were open today I'd be in it now telling O2 (after 20 years) to go to hell.
on 04-05-2020 12:12
All numbers for O2 are in this guide
Guide: Coronavirus Community Help and Support
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 04-05-2020 12:14
on 04-05-2020 12:14
There is no one to feed this back to O2