on โ08-05-2020 13:37
on โ08-05-2020 13:41
on โ08-05-2020 13:41
It's a well known scam.
Block the number and do not follow any links.
Forward the scam text to 7726 - It's free.
Other ways to report here including Action Fraud website
How to block a number:
Veritas Numquam Perit
on โ08-05-2020 14:00
Yes, I just had the same text today 8th May 2020. Checked my payment details, they are correct. I am ignoring this text.
on โ08-05-2020 14:10
on โ08-05-2020 14:10
on โ08-05-2020 14:48
โ08-05-2020 15:03 - edited โ08-05-2020 15:04
โ08-05-2020 15:03 - edited โ08-05-2020 15:04
Same for you, @Kittiwake: do take a minute to forward the scam text to 7726, if you still have it on your phone - it's free to send.
They keep changing the number that the SMS is sent from, too.
on โ08-05-2020 18:12
on โ08-05-2020 18:19
on โ08-05-2020 18:19
on โ08-05-2020 18:42
on โ08-05-2020 18:42