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Disconnect and still receiving bills

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I had a sim only deal and was coming to the end of 12 month contract when someone rang and asked me to refresh and take out a new contract which includes a phone. I agreed and purchased an iPhone and they agreed that I could disconnect sim only deal. I then received a bill for 92 pound and when I queried this they said it was for some 4.50 tex messages someone has texed using my phone sim as my blackberry was broken and sim was disconnected don't know how this was possible gave it to my grand daughter to play with can't tell me she texed and run up this bill she's three year old. I rang 02 and they said had to pay the bill in December I spoke with three advisors and explained I had just had heart surgery was in remission with one cancer and just been diagnosed with another so had to give up work because of this and recently divorced from a 26 year old marriage and was un able to pay 92 pound at this time as was awaiting to claim benefits for the first time in my life am 44. Advisor was very helpful and assured me that they would not try and take the money until I contact them told them it could take up to 8 weeks and I have a contract phone which I have gave to my 12 year old son so I can contact him or he us whilst I am in and out of hospital my benefits have just come through this week and first payment I received was taken by the bank and 02 48 pound bank charges six @ 8 pound all occurred through o2 trying to get their 92 pound for a sim deal that was supposed to be disconnected the number I have had for 12 years and paid small fortune pay as you go over the years before changing to sim only deal then infact still have contract phone for my son well thanks to o2 and their incompetent call centre staff I have had to send my son miles away to stay with his estranged father as I can't feed him let alone pay for his other needs like bus fares to school ect I have also hit rock bottom mentally, emotionally and physically my son don't need to see me like this it's hard enough for me dealing with this never mind him and I would like to know how I make an official complaint how do I do this does anyone know and has anyone had these problems with o2 before ?
Message 1 of 7

Accepted Solutions

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I'm so sorry you are going through this I haven't experienced it myself but make a complaint here,KB=Companion,question=ref%28user%29:str%28Rel...

Via email is the easiest way good luck hope you get it sorted slight_smile

View solution in original post

Message 2 of 7

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I'm so sorry you are going through this I haven't experienced it myself but make a complaint here,KB=Companion,question=ref%28user%29:str%28Rel...

Via email is the easiest way good luck hope you get it sorted slight_smile
Message 2 of 7

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Thank you for your help appreciate it thanks
Message 3 of 7

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Your most welcome please come back and let us know how you get on I know what a stressful time your going through from personal experience slight_smile
Message 4 of 7

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I will do don't normally spill my personal life out on community sites such as this but I am really upset feel very hard done by and it's hard when your world has been turned upside down in a flash, thing is you can cope and smile I haven't shed a tear through my illness or divorce as don't care about me it's everyone else you worry about then this may seem like nothing to others to me it means living another week or two until next benefit payment I am ashamed to even have to claim benefits so hard when you were a fit and healthy 42 year old with job car husband money then 18 months later I have nothing been hardest 18 month of my life and to be honest if this is what life I have to look forward to then don't know why I bother I hope you are now well ? As I say my illnesses nothing got through cancer once two heart attacks and surgery so second cancer I get through this too unsure about getting through life in general mind feel very much useless to my youngest child thanks again
Message 5 of 7

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Sent you a pm look for the flashing envelope in the top right hand corner of your screen
Message 6 of 7

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Sorry to read of your troubles.

Would be nice if @Toby or @Anonymous could help here before this gets any worse ?

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 7 of 7