on 25-05-2024 12:17
For the last 5 weeks I have had an issue regarding an overdue bill. This bill was paid by direct debit on time however the new o2 billing system had lost my money. I was put on a payment plan to allow o2 time to find the money and was told to ignore any actions regarding late payment fees and restrictions on my account. This was finally resolved on 17.5.25, however I am concerned that this has had an impact on my credit score and have the screen shots to prove this.
I was told to contact the amendment team who still have not replied. I also put a written complaint in about the whole issue about 3 weeks ago and not heard anything either.
How do I escalate this?
on 25-05-2024 16:09
Only e-mail for the back-office Amendment team, @Jennykay -
the Credit File Referral (CFR) team :-
Good luck!
on 26-05-2024 19:49
Unfortunately, these things do not happen quickly with O2. I have seen members of this forum state that the Credit File Referrals Team often take up to three months to act, whilst a formal complaint will often take up to eight weeks for O2 to investigate and resolve.
A further complication is that once you have an open complaint "flag" on your record, other O2 teams are either unable or unwilling to engage with the customer. Hence, the Credit File Referrals Team will possibly - we cannot be sure - not take any action until the complaint is resolved.
You can escalate your complaint to the Ombudsman, but not until you either have a letter of deadlock from O2 or until 56 days have elapsed from the date of your complaint :-
Customer+Complaints+code+250523.pdf (o2.co.uk)