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Closing an o2 account

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My ex partner got a contract phone a while ago which was contracted to her name.

We split up and I took over payment of said contract.


I have since tried everything in my power to try and get the details changed. My ex partner has called on several occasions to update the contract details yet every time o2 seem to agree but do absolutely nothing about it.


I've been a happy o2 customer for about 4 years but have had just about enough of the pathetic support.


Calling the inept support staff just leads to frustrating circular phone calls with a dissapointing end result.


So... What should I do next? 
I am tempted to sell the phone and stop paying the bill as the contract isn't in my name, which is perfectly legal and contrually acceptable as I have no obligation to o2.

Message 1 of 14

Not applicable

Although your post was vague on the timeline of the contract, I guessed it was mid-term. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

There are two possible scenarios. 1) it is mid-term in which case see my first point. or 2) its at the end of the contract in which case see the 2nd part of my reply for advice.

Message 11 of 14

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So your ex has tried to help resolve the situation by phoning O2 three times. Through no fault of hers, but as you say, O2's, the situation hasn't been sorted out. If you stop paying the bill, she will be the one who gets the bad credit rating, yet you have said in an earlier post that you don't care what happens to her. What a charming person you are.


Message 12 of 14

Not applicable

I will have to check but I am sure I remember that if somebody pays for a contract on behalf of sombody else for a period of time ( this is what I need to check for how long) and it can be proved ( bank statements) then they can be made responsible for the costs for the contract ongoing.

Message 13 of 14

Not applicable

I had a similar situation with another mobile phone provider and they transferred a contract from me to my ex before its expiry date. It might be different that it was a transfer from a company account to a personal one but it was still within a few months of the initial term expiring. I actually recall doing something very similar (again, not with O2) many, many years ago when my Dad wanted to formally take over a mobile number of mine he'd been using.


You may yet need to collaborate with your ex to get this resolved (assuming you want to!) as it might be a good idea to put a formal complaint in writing, if you are sure you have both followed the transfer process correctly. If you're just going to stop paying the bill, I'd do the decent thing and let your ex know so they can take up the cancellation with customer disservices.


Good luck!

Message 14 of 14