on 10-04-2020 15:09
I want to cancel both my contracts with 02 they end this month but i dont have the sim cards to text to cancel also there is no one to one chat to talk to any one so how do i go about it ?
on 10-04-2020 15:10
You'll need to keep trying Guide: Coronavirus Community Help and Support
on 10-04-2020 15:16
on 10-04-2020 15:16
It seems so long winded just to give 30 days notice so many links you plain just land up on a page that has nothing to do with what you want if i cant get it canceled i'l just cancel my direct debits then 02 will be forced to contact me.
on 10-04-2020 15:19
on 10-04-2020 15:19
on 10-04-2020 15:23
on 10-04-2020 15:23
Cancelling direct debits is not the way to go. You don't want threatening letters and a credit rating at rock bottom
For additional numbers try these
0800 977 7337, 0800 587 4005 and 0800 090 1808
You could try Skype 0800 032 1402
on 10-04-2020 15:23
on 10-04-2020 15:23
@martins-place You do not need to give 30 days notice any more. Do not cancel your Direct Debits. O2 will only contact you to pay what you owe if you do that. If you don't pay they will then put a negative marker on your credit rating, which will affect you for years to come, and because of the negative marker, you won't get a contract with any mobile provider, or credit for anything else for that matter. On top of all that, they'll also pass what you owe onto a debt collection agency.
on 10-04-2020 15:26
on 10-04-2020 15:26
So how would i get them 2 numbers i have disconted ? i dont want to move over to month to month as i have not used the 2 contracts in the last 2 years but have been paying for them ?
on 10-04-2020 15:28
on 10-04-2020 15:28
You need to call
or do it the old fashioned way by writing
Here’s the address, if you’d rather drop us a line:
O2 Correspondence Team
PO BOX 694
SO23 5AP