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2 sim cards for the same number?

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Basically, I have OCD and keep my handset in a food bag when out of the house to keep it clean, so it doesn't feel contaminated to me, I know this sounds dumb to a lot of you, but it is a mental issue I have been dealing with my whole life.

So my plan is to sell my phone, and buy 2 cheaper phones, one which is my "clean" at home phone, and one I can take out without being in a bag making me look like a tw*t.

I know it is possible, because after a little research I found that O2 Hungary, and O2 Czech do it. They can give you 2 sims, with the same number, one of them is registered as your primary sim, which calls go to, unless switched off, then they go to the other handset. This is what I need.

I am willing to pay extra for this. I just do not want 2 different phone numbers!

Is there anything like this available from O2 UK?
Message 1 of 21

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Thanks for the tip. I'll be looking at EE then.

I want one unlimited SIM to operate in a work phone (that I'm less worried about damaging), and a separate SIM in something more akin to a flagship phone. I'm certainly not going to pay for two unlimited SIMs, and I think a large majority of people aren't going to accept paying twice for the same service. So I think networks who refuse to cater for this kind of need (within the UK) in the hope of suckers paying twice are likely to lose, not profit, from their cynical tactics. Or, at the very least, be viewed with cynicism.

Message 21 of 21