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11 days (so far) without being connected

Not applicable

I took out an iPhone 5 contract with O2 as a new customer on the day they were released - September 21st. The systems all crashed straight away and all of the contracts etc were had to be done on paper at the time, 24 hours later I still had no service on the phone which I put down to them having to enter all of the deatils when the systems started working. Then 48 hours had passed and I still had no service so I went in to the store who assured me it would be swithed on by Monday the 24th. On Tuesday 25th I was still without service so contacted a complaints advisor who told me there was absolutely no O2 account in my name, for my address or with the sim card number I have and that I had to go back to the store I got it from. I Then got a call from the store on Tuesday afternoon saying my account was created and they gave me a temporary number until my number is ported, however by Wednesday it was still not swithced on so spoke to the complaints advisor again who told me that number was incorrect and I still had no account. Thursday I then again spoke to O2 who said they have the email to say my account is set up and couldn't understand why I have no service so they would investigate and call back - hours later I had heard nothing and was told that the assistant manager was investigating and if he couldn't sort it that day, the manager would on Friday but would contact me to update. On Saturday I had to chase again twice to be told that there was obviously a mistake when connections created my account as my address, sim card number, name etc have not been added correctly and that he had escalated it but not to expect to hear back before Monday and that was just for an update, not a promise for service. Finally, today (Monday 1st Oct) I had to chase again because no matter how many promises are made for call back, to be told that I should wait another 24 hours. I have also been told today whilst talking to someone online again for an update that I should have some patience - this INSTANTLY made me run out! I think 11 days of no service is patient enough. I have no phone in the meantime either as I traded my old one as soon as I got the iPhone so I am totally without service.

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That is rather extreme length of time to have patience for I really have got to give you credit and my respect for that.

Customer services should at the very least be offering you a goodwill gesture.

Have you been to the shop in person?

I can't understand how they can be dragging their heels in this case at all.

Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong. So Ive been told wink
Message 2 of 3

Not applicable
I have been to the store in person, called them at least 8 times, spoke to online advisors - all to no avail. Finally was connected today and had a voicemail left by the store with the temp number, barely an apology and no goodwill gesture at all.

I am not sure what I should do to be honest, online complaining hasn't helped because that is over the 5 days response time too.
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