on 11-04-2018 10:22
on 12-04-2018 15:41
on 12-04-2018 15:41
You can however download an app called WEQ4U. Where you tap in the 0845 number and it will call it using a standard 03 number which uses your inclusive minutes therefore no charges
on 11-04-2018 10:27
on 11-04-2018 10:32
on 11-04-2018 10:32
on 11-04-2018 13:05
on 11-04-2018 13:05
@Glenbarb51 Please take a look at this site to see if you can find an alternative number: https://www.saynoto0870.com/
on 11-04-2018 13:35
on 12-04-2018 15:41
on 12-04-2018 15:41
You can however download an app called WEQ4U. Where you tap in the 0845 number and it will call it using a standard 03 number which uses your inclusive minutes therefore no charges
on 13-04-2018 10:47
on 13-04-2018 10:47
Thanks. I've already got this app but have never used it. I will from now on though!
on 13-04-2018 10:48
on 13-04-2018 10:48
on 13-04-2018 10:48
on 13-04-2018 10:48
on 13-04-2018 10:49
on 13-04-2018 10:49