on 24-06-2024 20:08
on 24-06-2024 20:53
call 4445 or 0344 8090222
on 24-06-2024 20:10
Hi @enabler
Welcome to the O2 community
You can speak to o2 customer services Here
Guide: How to find help & contact O2
on 24-06-2024 20:13
on 24-06-2024 20:13
Thanks for the reply. I need to speak to an agent or live chat. Is there such thing with o2?
on 24-06-2024 20:18
on 24-06-2024 20:18
on 24-06-2024 20:23
Looks like o2 has no such service as customer service. even the community struggles to answer on my simple question.
on 24-06-2024 20:23
on 24-06-2024 20:23
on 24-06-2024 20:26
on 24-06-2024 20:26
There is no such option to call customer service or to chat with them. This is a joke really. Is o2 struggling to employ people who would provide customer service????
on 24-06-2024 20:40
on 24-06-2024 20:40
on 24-06-2024 20:41
on 24-06-2024 20:41
Yes there is or pick up the phone and call them, you have been given enough links to do so..
Do you really need someone to LMGTFY
on 24-06-2024 20:47
on 24-06-2024 20:47
Looks like you struggle to read posts. I asked question. I asked phone number for customer service but none of you were able to provide one. So why to waste my time if you have no answer on my simple question?