on 12-07-2022 08:45
Visitor from Australia here. I have a local 02 sim, which I purchased in Oz before coming to the UK.
I have a weird issue where any outgoing calls will time out after 5 minutes. No warning; I'm just cut off. We don't ever need to talk to anybody that long, but it's a real pain when you get put in a call queue, like we've done when we tried to report a problem with our rental car. We always get cut off before we get to talk to anybody!
It's not the phone. It happens on two different phones, with two of these SIMs, both on the same plan. We haven't put any credit on the phone yet - it shows £0 when I check online - but we've been able to make (short) calls, and it works okay for data, so I haven't bothered.
The company we bought the SIMS off in Australia has never heard of the problem. They suggested calling 02 themselves. I'd already tried that though, and guess what? I got put in a call queue, and it timed out before I could talk to anybody!
The nearest 02 store is miles away, so it might be while before we could go that route.
Any tips gratefully received.
on 14-07-2022 10:46
on 14-07-2022 10:46
I contacted Simcorner and they have never heard of the problem. 02 themselves have never heard of the problem.
It's still happening though. 😥
on 14-07-2022 12:26
It's certainly not something we've come across here so can only assume you have a faulty sim card.