on 22-07-2013 16:16
I work at least 2 days a week in the east side of Norwich and can never get a 3G signal. I think once a few weeks ago I got one bar. I checked the O2 checker and it says that Norwich is fine, I even phoned O2 and they said no 3G problems. I was asked to change the setting the automaticaly detec carrier to manually selecting O2. It has made no difference what so ever.
I have friends on Orange, Vodafone and Three who have no problem what so ever with a 3G signal.
Also noticed driving around the country I have huge areas with no 3G signal.
Is it just that O2 have crap 3G coverage?
on 22-07-2013 16:54
on 22-07-2013 16:54
Every Network has fringe coverage I'm afraid.
The other Network forums are littered with the same kind of disappointment.
Before I chose 02 as my Network I first checked out that I received adequate coverage for signal and 3g where I reside, commuted and worked by using a Payg Sim and testing for a week.
You could try cleaning your sim card and or performing a sim swap to a new sim card.
on 22-07-2013 17:06
on 22-07-2013 17:06
Here is a wee trick...and might depend on what phone you have...
Change your phone settings so that it is only looking for a 3G signal, not 2G.
I have found that if I have the cellular settings on my BlackBerry set to look for a "2G and 3G" signal it defaults to 2G in certain places. However, if I change the setting so that it is looking for 3G only, I end up getting an H+ signal which is faster that 3G.
I actually tried this over the weekend at one of the sites at my work where I have only ever had 2G or more commonly EDGE...and was able to get a very fast H+ connection.
Now, why the signal isn't flipping to the fast connection on its own is the question, I shouldnt have to be changing the setting manually...
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Thanks for the replies, should have said that I have an iPhone 5 with IOS 6.1.4 installed. I just checked the O2 coverage checker. For the Premier Inn (NR7) its states good service for 3G inside and out. Absolute ******** there is no 3g service inside (not O2s fault) and no 3G service outside for that area. I have no idea how they got the map data but it was not from a reral person.
When I phone O2 they say but the signal is fine and no problem. Ahhhhhh stop reading the script and act as customer support....
Cant wait for my contract to end.
on 22-07-2013 17:53
on 22-07-2013 17:53
on 23-07-2013 13:56
on 23-07-2013 13:56
I too suffer from poor 3G coverage even at home, and I have transmitters less than one hundred yards, yes I do mean yards, away. How crazy is this? I now carry two phones. One has coverage the other does not. Both are with o2. I have a further year under contract!!!!!!!!!!!! Perhaps this indicates that the problem is the way the phone is set up?
on 24-07-2013 12:59
on 24-07-2013 12:59
@Anonymous wrote:I too suffer from poor 3G coverage even at home, and I have transmitters less than one hundred yards, yes I do mean yards, away. How crazy is this? I now carry two phones. One has coverage the other does not. Both are with o2. I have a further year under contract!!!!!!!!!!!! Perhaps this indicates that the problem is the way the phone is set up?
Strangely, because you are so close to a mast you probably do have poor coverage. Some law of physics and radiation distribution means someone half a mile away is probably quite happy.
on 25-04-2014 13:29
on 25-04-2014 13:29
I can make phone calls fine, but have no access to data. ive contacted o2 loads of times, but they keep saying the coverage in my area is fine. my workmates on o2 have the same problem, so its not just me. this has only just got worse over the past few months. over a year left on contract. ive tried chaging the settings on phone, but no avail. i grudge paying for a service which im not getting!! 3 network works fine.....maybe my next network choice!!
on 25-04-2014 13:58
on 25-04-2014 13:58
on 25-04-2014 21:10
on 25-04-2014 21:10