on 20-03-2022 18:23
I joined O2 from Virgin on Tuesday 15 March and provided the PAC obtained from Virgin to port my old number to O2. I was told the port would take place on Wednesday by 6pm, but that failed. I called the help desk and was told it would now be Thursday, but that also failed, as it did again on Friday. Called the help desk again and my case was escalated to technical support, who were to call me back - they never did and it’s Sunday now and still ‘no service’.
Please help as I desperately need my mobile to be working.
on 20-03-2022 18:51
There's a technical issue with some ports currently.
Chase O2 up tomorrow.
If you message O2 on Facebook (https://o2uk.co/O2CFB) , Twitter (https://o2uk.co/O2CTW) or Instagram (https://o2uk.co/O2CIG) , they should be able to help you with this.