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Sony Xperia z3 o2 wifi extra

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Does o2 have any plans to enable owners of the Sony xperia z3 to use this service?Would love to be able to automatically make use of o2 wifi hotshots when available.
Message 1 of 12

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The service is still rolling out across the country and I see no reason why the Z3 shouldn't be included.
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Message 2 of 12

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There used to be a manual O2 wifi extra setup guide but I can't find it anymore.
Message 3 of 12

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 I dont think this is what Wifi Extra actually does. If you read the FAQ's they say:


"If the wifi connection is stronger than your 3G or 4G signal, and will give you a better overall network experience, then the device will automatically switch you to the our wifi network."


What i understand that to be is O2 using Wifi Extra will automatically connect ONLY when it can give faster than 3 or 4G data. So lets say you are walking down the street on a 3G mast getting 10Mb download and you walk past an O2 Wifi Extra hotspot capable at that moment in time of giving you 20Mb - then you will automatically join it. You will then move off Wifi Extra automatically if the Hotspot gets busy (with O2 wifi users) and cant give you better than the 10Mb the 3G mast was giving you - or you simply walk away.


The FAQ's go on to say:

"You can’t choose to connect to the Wifi Extra network from your settings menu. We will automatically connect you when our wifi network l is stronger than the mobile network signal. Our smart network is constantly monitoring this to ensure that you will always receive the best possible network experience.

If you want to manually connect to a wifi network, then O2 Wifi is still available"


This suggests to me that Wifi Extra is not there to auto connect you to O2 wifi - its an extension of the O2 mobile network to give you the best data speeds possible. And if you want to use Wifi then thats why they still have O2 wifi.


I guess that O2 are using EAP SIM to connect you to Wifi Extra, menaing its completely secure, but they are only letting devices connect WHEN IT IS FASTER than the 3/4G network. If they did auto connect with just EAP then the chances are to many people would connect to hotspots and actually end up with a worse data speed over all. 


I think its quite a clever idea they have come up with - but dont think they are using EAP sim the same way someone like Singtell are - Singtel

Message 4 of 12

Not applicable
I did previously find a manual guide, however following the instructions did not work for me. I'd be interested to hear from anyone that has managed to successfully configure it manually.
Message 5 of 12

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You can't configure it manually.
O2 have to register your account for it then it's all automatic from there on in, assuming you are in an area where it has been deployed.
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Message 6 of 12

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This is the settings I found when it first rolled out.

They don't offer a link to this page anymore from the wifi extra pages.
Message 7 of 12

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The only reason O2 will have a compatablity list of phones is they need each manufacturer to take on the EAP SIM settings and put them in the software. This is exactly what EE and Voda have done with the London Underground EE EAP SIM.


So O2 need to get Sony to add EAP SIM settings for Wifi Extra into the next software update for your Z3 phone.. If Sony cant be bothered then you wont get the EAP settings. EAP settings are how your phone knows the Wifi Extra SSID and what settings to conect to it. the second bit it needs is the wifi password.


Again the FAQ's talk about - I am asked for a password when I try to connect?


So my take on this is if you try to access Wifi Extra manaully you will not be able to and see a password prompt. This is becuase the password is embeded in your SIM card and it will authenticate on the O2 network the same way you do to a mobile mast.  Thats a good thing as it means its completely secure like using 3/4G and not suseptable to packet sniffing like normal Open wifi networks. And thats why i think they made it automatic so when you move off the 3/4G onto wifi extra you keep the same security. Imagine the phone is in your pocket udpating gmail over 3G and jumps to Wifi Extra - they are keeping you safe. 




Message 8 of 12

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I think that page is not linked to anymore because thats not how you connect to an EAP SIM netowrk. thats wrong and probably why they took it down.  

Message 9 of 12

Not applicable
Is there any update from o2 regarding rolling Out access to the WiFi extra network for other devices (specifically Sony)?
Message 10 of 12