on 04-08-2017 08:43
on 04-08-2017 08:43
Hi All,
can anyone help. We have a new large building at work which has modern foil backed insulation - therefore no signal inside.
What official (and legal) options are there to boost the O2 signal inside the building?
Kind regards
on 04-08-2017 08:48
on 04-08-2017 09:21
on 04-08-2017 09:21
on 04-08-2017 16:05
on 04-08-2017 16:05
O2 have no Legal obligation to provide coverage in what you admit is a new building. Construction materials have an enormous affect on signal penetration so you would have to look at a boost box or wifi options. It's possible there would be problems with signal for any network.
on 07-08-2017 16:32
Hey @Anonymous how are you doing, do you think the boost box or wi-fi calling as mentioned above might help out in your case?