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Poor customer service

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So from the begin.
My contract with O2 was about to end in September. I`ve been in shop to extend it but i wasn`t satisfied of provided offer so decided to do not extend the contract. Store assisant told me that I`ve to do that by Customer Service.


I`ve called Customer Service and informed them about my resign, we talked a bit of the reason then after comparison O2 offer to different companies offers i negotitated 20 GB of data and International calls bolt on 5p/min(bolt on for one year, free of charges), as both of them are the priority i need. New contract was signed on 14 Sept.


On 5 October I recognized that it can be not enough of data for my needs. Called Customer Service and We`ve decided to upragde my contract to 30GB of data with all previous benefits i had. The only two things we changed was increased data, and contract price.


16 October I`ve made first phone connection aboard(previously used different SIM card for that).

After one day i recognized in My O2 app, that i was charged 7 pounds for 5 minutes of phone connection.


Horror begins.


17 October called Customer Service and asked why am i paying so much for international calls when i`ve got included 5p/min for one year as a basic of my contract, without any extra costs or doing any bolts on every month. Lady informed me that my contract never included anything like that. Asked why it wasn`t moved from my previous contract(before upgrade). Lady informed me that previous contract also never contained anything like that. She offered me reducing 7 pounds for intenational cost i`ve already done, offered extra bolt on for one month and automatic bolt on till the end of the year. Agreed for removing 7 pounds as my contract doesn`t correspond to what i was ordering and confirmed but refused for extra bols on because total monthly price would be bigger than in different companies. Asked her about resigning process, being informed that my 14 days cancellation is due to 18 October.


18 October(Saturday)(Last day of 14 days cancel)


First phone conversation with CS (14 min)

I was confirmed that my 7 pounds will be removed from the bill, my contract is cancelled and i`ll get phone connection to get my PAC code in next 2 hours.


Second phone conversation with CS (19 min)

Asked why nobody called me to provide PAC code. Being informed i didn`t order that. Being told that previous conversation was just about deduction of 7 pound. CS also told me that i didn`t decided to cancel my contract in previous conversation because it is also not included in their notes.

Again I informed that i want to cancel my contract, and finish any relationships with O2. CS told me that my contract is going to cancel and i`ll be moved to previous contract(before data update). Informed CS that my previous contract is also missing International calls bolt on which i was confirmed to be included free of charges. So i am not going to pay 12 months for something i didn`t want and ordered. CS informed me that he`ll listen to my conversation when i signed contract in 14 of September. CS told me that he`ll call me back when he finish that.


In the meantime i made few phone connections, unfortunately i missed 2 connections from CS. Tried to call back for same number but an answerphone says if you need you`ll call me from your side. Anyway after 40 minutes of waiting for phone connection from CS I decided to call O2.


Third phone conversation with CS(38 min, 6 pm)

Explained why do i call. CS told me that they try to contact customer two times then they give up, so good that I called them.

Explained whole situation happend to my contract and what i want to do and that someone was already listening to my phone connection on 14 September. Lady took conversation with her manager and told me that i will be never moved to my contract before data upgrade and she has no idea why i`ve been told things like that. That`s not the procedure, she`ll cancell the contract without any extra costs for me, and get the PAC Code. Suddently she told me that she`s not able to get PAC Code today because it is too late but she sent already an email, and asked me for phone number on which she can call me today to provide PAC Code. I provided her new phone number, and we set time for 11am. She told me that my contract will end at the midnight.


Fourth phone connection

A man from contract listening called me. Told me that i was offered an free of charge bolt on(international calls) but i didn`t agree to include it to my contract. I don`t believe that because it was the main thing i needed and it is just not possible that i refused to get it. Seriously stupid. Anyway he offered me to going back to contract before upgrade and he`ll include that bolt on as a free of charges for one year. I refused because before upgrade i had not enough of data and anyway cancelled contract again. Told him that i was talking already with a Lady and asked him to do not mark anything in my account because it is going to expire in the midnight.


Saturday, one day after 14 days of cancel period

My phone number is still available, i`m able to make phone connections, didn`t received any email about contract cancell. Didn`t get phone connection at 11 am to get my PAC Code.


What to do? Completly unprofessional Customer Service. Calling there is a waste of time, they don`t do anything and says different rules depends of the person on the receiver. How to solve that situation?



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Level 43: Bright Spark
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Hi @Someone


You've been through quite an ordeal!


I would initially suggest you raise a complaint but first I will tag @Martin-O2 and @EmilieT our Community Managers, to see if they can provide any assistance. They will not contact you before Monday but they may be able to sort out this mess.


Good luck and welcome to the forum Welcome

Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

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My SIM Card has been deactivated 21 October, 48hours after CS conversation. I`ve lost last possibility to finding the solution by the forum because my accound was locked due to unactive phone number. Had to get another O2 card to be in touch. Didn`t get any email or confirmation about cancelling the contract. If SIM deactivation means contract enging then fine, but would be nice to get anything to the e-mail. Anyway nobody provided me PAC Code. How to manage it now? Please don`t send any PM to "Someone" just to me in any case, because i`m unable to log in to previous account.


Btw. after reading post one more time to refresh it, i noticed a mistake
18 October(Saturday)(Last day of 14 days cancel)

should be
19 October(Friday)(Last day of 14 days cancel)

apologies for mess.



I thought that by posting on forum we will finally find solution so after all O2 will get any positive feedback, but now i`m a bit worried about the situation and my phone number which is important for me.


Kind Regards someone1

Message 3 of 4

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Thanks for the mention @Glory1


@someone1 I can certainly get someone to take a look at this situation for you. I'll need a few details so will drop you a message so we can talk further. 

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