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O2 Ask mini review

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O2 Ask


O2 Ask is a new service designed to replace the now defunct TU app which allowed customers with little or no signal to be able to call or text over their WiFi connection with their allowances. You can download it via your phones App Store. 


Overall Look


It looks very smart & looks the same as all the O2 apps. I like the new style of menus in this app compared to the myo2 one. Much clearer & easier to view especially data allowance. Although when you click on something it can take a while to load as it’s very slow. The menus look nice & simple. 


SMS function 


I primarily tested this app to see if the sms would work over WiFi considering I already have an excellent o2 signal in my area but some areas I frequent may occasionally need WiFi Calling so this was a welcome add. The function does take a little bit of working out but make sure your contacts that you want to text have the same app downloaded on their phone otherwise you can send but you won’t receive their replies. 


My Thoughts


Its a nice app but I think I’ll stick to good old myo2 for my account & WhatsApp for sending messages over WiFi

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Of course I've tried wink
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Message 31 of 91

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Speaking as one who never saw this on the carousel and never got the chance to download the O2 Ask app until now, can someone also please tell me why. ..

  • There has been no official announcement from O2 about this important app due to the many threads on here about...
  • A replacement for TU for those in low or zero coverage areas who are left in a long term contract that they cannot use?
  • For those of us who haven't been able to upgrade to the latest smartphones with O2 firmware and for whom wifi calling is unavailable?
  • For those of us who do have the latest smartphone but purchased from other sources and for whom wifi calling is also unavailable?
  • For those who, for any of the above bullet points or indeed those who do have wifi calling, cannot text over wifi or native app?

Customer service have told some that a replacement app is "coming soon" or have denied all knowledge of it so surely to God, this is vitally important information for customers!

Why also, has either of the admin team not commented on any of those threads where once again, both customers and those of us who spend hours of our free time advising people that their only option is to pay off their device and leave O2 or to make a complaint?

Why do we have a mini guide to O2 Ask when how to use the app isn't explained? Why has the review even been left here if its so hush-hush and if this being the case, why is the app even available, especially when links to it were previously taken down both on the O2 website and on the community?

This is being and has been handled disgracefully in my opinion. O2 have missed a big, big opportunity to release this app in a massive blaze of glory in all the media outlets and the home page of the main website whilst gaining back huge customer goodwill.

Of course this will probably still happen but O2 as usual have handled this in their, what has now become normal, disastrous inefficiency. Why withdraw TU when this app was so near ready to launch? For the sake of a few months they have lost thousands of customers but then again, flagship phones were due to be launched ensuring big profits and new customers for their sales teams across the UK and the ROI though customer churn must be at an all time high!

I think these are the questions that we should all be asking, not just one or two of us. In fact every customer should be asking too.

Over to you @Martin-O2 and @Marjo ......

Message 32 of 91

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Well said @jonsie

It's not even in the App section on the website (though TuGo still is)

I found it here

Tucked away.... but on the website nonetheless. .

So O2 have given information about it, though there has been NO official confirmation or announcement on here..

Really poor. Particularly as O2 are inviting people to 'have a chat with one of their website advisors' !!


O2 Ask.JPG

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 33 of 91

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@MI5 wrote:
Of course I've tried wink

Should have guessed really...


With regard to @jonsie 's questions:

-the announcement was withdrawn as there "additional assessments that needed to be done". Why the app was live before this, I do not know.

-this app doesn't seem to work exactly like Tu (see MI5's posts about it not working for him) but does do similar things (ie, I can text from it using both my phone and my Kindle. Messages went out and were received on both).

-it does not fully work unless both parties have the app - I cannot send pictures/stickers/music/voice messages but SMS and calling work to a non app user. I have not tried the app for calling so cannot say anything about call quality.


Agree that this MIGHT be the fabled Tu replacement from live chat, but without an actual announcement I don't know.

The link I posted was to the google cache version of the announcement page. Given the line above it was removed but I have no doubt google still has it if anyone is that interested...

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It was Google I used to give me the link I posted above. Needless to say it couldn't be found via the forum search.

All this is irrelevant really.

Bottom line, we have a brand new app which has yet to be announced on the community.

People with sharp eyes who were online at the time, noticed it on the carousel or via a post by Chris K, both of which were rapidly removed.

If I was being really really pedantic, I would say we are discussing something that 99% of customers have absolutely NO knowledge of. Akin to Jaguar promising release of a new car and someone presuming what colour seats it has!

Certainly no disrespect to @Anonymous but the review gives an extremely limited perspective of what this App is capable of. 

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 35 of 91

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Agree about the point of no announcement / clarification from o2 (directly or here on the main site).
Completely baffled why Tu is still in the list of apps though - that went before Christmas!
NB: Also needing to be removed is the o2 Home listing there as well.
Actually I think that it is worse than that Cleoriff. How many people came on here and complained about Tu being withdrawn and no replacement? Do you think o2 contacted any of those about the new app?
What proportion of Tu users do you think that represents?
As Jonsie says, o2 have missed a massive opportunity to exert themselves on the market IF this had been handled better...

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Message 36 of 91

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As a customer on a business contract I'm annoyed that we have no access to this new app but must continue to use MyO2Business which you can't even access through the website anymore. MyO2Business is useless as it is very limited in what you can do.

Why does O2 treat business customers like lepers. I have a monthly contract for my device, airtime and mobile broadband for which I pay a rather hefty bill, less any rewards I may be lucky enough to receive. I'm getting really hacked off at being treated so shabbily. All monthly pay customers should either have access to the same apps or MyO2 Business should be updated to the standard of O2 Ask.

This whole business leaves a very nasty taste. Makes me think more and more about leaving O2 when my contract ends next April 👺
Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 37 of 91

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Agree about the point of no announcement / clarification from o2 (directly or here on the main site).
Completely baffled why Tu is still in the list of apps though - that went before Christmas!
NB: Also needing to be removed is the o2 Home listing there as well.
Actually I think that it is worse than that Cleoriff. How many people came on here and complained about Tu being withdrawn and no replacement? Do you think o2 contacted any of those about the new app?
What proportion of Tu users do you think that represents?
As Jonsie says, o2 have missed a massive opportunity to exert themselves on the market IF this had been handled better...

I completely agreed with all of @jonsie's statement and have said so.

Yesterday I could have said a lot more about the way this has been handled, but I had to reel myself in.


I think those who know me, will understand how furious I was and still am.


We have a new App...hey ho. So the majority of us hear about it via a mini review.

It can be downloaded I believe, and O2 have announced it via the link I posted...

However, Admin need permission before they announce it?


It's worse than Monty Pythons Flying Circus. (and that was funny. This isn't)

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 38 of 91

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It might well be worth trying to get the app to work @Glory1 - we have seen in the past that things that are not meant to work happily chug along as they are intended...

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It might well be worth trying to get the app to work @Glory1 - we have seen in the past that things that are not meant to work happily chug along as they are intended...

Just tried it again @gmarkjand I can't log in. It asks for your phone number to send a code to. When I type in the code it says "oops there seems to be a problem" and I get no further. As the information for the app makes it clear that customers on a mobile broadband and business contracts cannot use it I think that speaks volumes. We are all customers of O2 but treated differently


Personally I think that's wrong. I can understand a difference between PAYG and pay monthly customers. But all pay monthly customers should either have access to the same apps or MyO2 Business should be brought up to an equal standard. But O2 will do nothing as usual.


I'm with @Cleoriff furious at the way the launch (or not) of this app has been handled and business customers being left out in the cold. What a way not to run a mobiile service provider Crazy

Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 40 of 91