on 04-10-2023 16:03
Not sure which board to select, here goes.
So when I was still with my ex (some yrs ago now) he got his son a contract out but had it under my name to receive my employee discount. Then last year I received a letter advising I hadn't paid my bill however in 22yrs of been with o2 I've Never missed a payment. It turns out Aiden had managed to get an upgrade so basically a new contract which he pays for But in my name of which I never authorised! I've been contacting O2 ever since explaining that this is fraud as I never authorised this, they said it isn't since the 1st/original contract was in my name and I know him!!! Just because I know someone doesn't mean they can't commit fraud against you especially now since o2 sent this to a debt recovery company, which in turn means my credit file is now Fudged??
Please can someone help me, this is o2's fault for allowing this new contract in the first instance without my say so, right???
Thanks 😊
on 04-10-2023 16:15
on 04-10-2023 16:15
Unfortunately, you are liable as you gave your ex full access to the account linked to his phone, and this means he can upgrade (online) to a new phone using those account details.
o2 will confirm via SMS that he is the account holder, as well as logging into the account, and passing verification.
Your only option is to go to the Police and report your ex for Fraud as o2 have done nothing wrong, and they don't need your say so, as you gave your ex full access to the account...
on 04-10-2023 16:33
on 04-10-2023 16:33
I understand however I gave access to that contract for 36mths. The next was a New contract.
on 04-10-2023 16:47
on 04-10-2023 16:47
You should have cancelled that contract at the end of the 36months, as after that the contract continues as a rolling contract until you either upgrade or cancel.
As I said your ex had full access and could upgrade after that date using the details you gave him access to.
on 04-10-2023 19:59
I think that you need to try to negotiate with your ex about this if that is at all possible.
As you gave your ex full access to the account, the police are likely to say that this is not a criminal matter - they will view it is as a civil matter.