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What on EARTH is going on here?

Not applicable

This is a bit of a saga so bear with me......

In summary, my Mum's (2G Doro 612) phone has stopped working for voice calls (texts are OK) at home, where she gets network busy, but works everywhere else it has been tried - which is numerous other places/towns in the surrounding area.  We know for certain O2 are doing 4G upgrade work in the town at the moment so it's beyond doubt they have a case to answer, and a complaint has been raised. We have had the usual "service may be disrupted" warnings - but that shouldn't amount to 3 weeks continuous outage at their house. My Mum has never had any issues previously.

Just wondered if anyone can shed any light on what might actually be happening?




*My mums phone springs to life if you drive a bit in any direction - including to my house which is about quarter of a mile away. There is a O2 mast located between us and it's the closest one to both of us too.


*My Dad has a Doro 615 (which is 3G) which works fine at their house, and my Mum's SIM works fine in my Dad's phone. My Dad's SIM doesn't work in my Mum's phone at home.  


*They have an old Nokia spare phone and if you put either of their SIMs in that, it doesn't work at their home either. The Nokia also springs into life if you take it elsewhere with my Mum's SIM in it too, like the Doro.  


*I also have an old spare 2G Nokia on O2 and have no problems with it in my house (haven't tested it at theirs - didn't seem much point)

*Ergo, the common denominator is older 2G phones in the vicinity of THEIR house, but not at mine or surrounding areas/towns. Nevertheless, O2 tried blaming the Doro phone, which has been back to Doro, and come back OK (no surprise there then!).

*O2 have also replaced my Mum's SIM which made no difference. No surprise there either given the phone/original SIM worked everywhere else!


*O2 coverage map for their house and ours gives good (5 bar) indoors/outdoors for 2G and 3G.

Our best theories are:


1. Whilst O2 have been doing their thing with 4G, they have wound down (temp or perm?) the capacity on the 2G network in this area without openly admitting it - and it just so happens my Mum and Dad are in the wrong little bit of town.


2. A variation on the above where 2G capability has been switched fully off on the mast which lies between us. The O2 coverage map shows there is another mast within quarter of a mile on OUR side of town, but not theirs.  i.e. I was thinking it's just possible a 2G phone in our house is picking up service from that other mast - even though it's a bit further away.


Message 1 of 13

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Hi @Anonymous

I don't think there is anything to add to your post really. By a very detailed process of deduction and elimination  you have concluded this is a network issue in your area. I can only say this could go on for weeks during an upgrade and testing that the engineers have to do...

If you are able to get the My Network app on your phone you could report this issue directly through the app

You could also complain via this link. As  this is affecting both parents phones they probably will have a case to answer...

Edited to add this forum help link...

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 2 of 13

Not applicable

Thanks - a complaint has already been raised with O2. They sent a message yesterday saying they had fixed it - but they haven't. I think they said the work would be taking place around the 1st of this month - so that's a lot of testing wink


They can manage at the moment - at least my Dad's 3G phone is working. I suppose my Mum could go out and get a 3G phone and all would be well, but she's used to her phone, it's only about a year old, and since it's O2's fault and they have messed them about something shocking, why should she?



Message 3 of 13

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@Anonymous wrote:



They can manage at the moment - at least my Dad's 3G phone is working. I suppose my Mum could go out and get a 3G phone and all would be well, but she's used to her phone, it's only about a year old, and since it's O2's fault and they have messed them about something shocking, why should she?



I take your point about the phones and your Mum 'could' get a 3G one....but it is always so worrying when it's your parents and them being able to stay in contact with yourself. A bit of a quandary really. slight_frown

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 4 of 13

Not applicable

Yeah it is.


They had a bit of a drive around yesterday, plotting where the phone works and doesn't, and it transpires that it springs into life about 500yds from my house!


So it's looking certain the fault/problem is the mast that lies between us, as there is a whole area around it at their side of town where the 2G service is affected (including of course, their house).


Conversely, it works fine right across the area covered by the other mast (which probably covers my house) and also fine in the area covered by a third mast right at the other side of town.


I wonder if we'll see this attitude of not giving a stuff about 2G from the operators with increased frequency as its use declines? Can't see them leaving 3G service off for 3 week in a built up area and getting away with it unscathed for sure!


Message 5 of 13

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Hi @Anonymous I wonder if your parents would get a better signal if they changed to a different network?

It may be worth picking up a couple of free sims from other suppliers and giving those a try (if the phones are unlocked) Keeping in contact with them is the only thing that matters really and you would have peace of mind..

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 6 of 13

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I'd advocate trying another sim so that you're on touch whilst trying to sort out this mess that is most definitely an o2 issue after all of your deductions..

It's far from ideal of course but at least your mind would be at ease in the meantime! (That reminds me, must text my Dad)

Please come back and let us know what happens. And best of luck.

Message 7 of 13

Not applicable

Coverage for the other networks used to be a bit patchy around here for some reason, which is why we are all on O2 which is (normally) rock solid - but its a good idea and might be worth a go under the circumstances, esp. if O2 won't fess-up and say how long it will be out of action. 


I dare say a threat to bill them the cost of using another network in the meantime, might also focus their minds on fixing it too wink



Message 8 of 13

Level 25: Hard Hitter
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@Anonymous haha that's always worth a shot, but whatever you do don't hold your breath!

Message 9 of 13

Not applicable

Well, it's taken four weeks, but service is finally restored. Don't have the full details of what was up but it sounds like it centred on the mast we suspected.  I'll post up some more detail when I have it.

Message 10 of 13