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Unable to Down Load or Upload Mail via Pop 3 using Thai Wifi on Black Berry 9900 !

Level 2: Apprentice
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I would like to bring this to your attention for those you going to Thailand you cannot use wifi to send pop 3 emails and the only way is to use the local phone net work or connect direct to the server .


For many years I have used free wifi links for sending and receiving until the middle of last month when I notice I could no longer send or receive mail via pop 3 from my Google , and GMX accounts .On checking the only way I could send and receive mail was connecting direct to server or using the local phone net work 


Now I did try this on many WiFi access points and its the same you cannot send or receive emails mail using pop3 .I thought maybe the problem maybe the 9900 so I installed all new firmware current ver 7.1.0 Bundle 2061 and its still the same .


I wondering if this was a deliberate attempt by the local phone net works to force people to use there net works since I pay a fixed rate for my internet this does not affect me however for the average tourist sitting in his hotel room using his smart phone on the hotel wifi system only to find out his been going via the local phone system .


Now I live down in the south of Thailand so maybe its got some thing to do with that or the recent change in Thai laws regarding mobile phones but that was for Pre Paid Thai mobile phones but that law started on the 31st of July about the same time my problems started .


If there is any one from O2 reading this can you please explain why I cannot sign in on this site from Thailand without using a VPN .


Any other people having the same problem ? I would love to hear .


Many Thanks

Message 1 of 6

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We are all customers here. O2 does not monitor this site, so you won't get an official response. Our resident expert on all things Thai is @jonsie. Perhaps he can comment on your problem, although he is basically an Android person.


Message 2 of 6

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I practically live in Thailand. I can assure you I have no problems with Thai wifi sending emails over pop3 and certainly no problem signing into the O2 website or using the live chat. Admittedly this is on android (2 phones) and a windows 7 laptop.

The only time I need to use a vpn is for watching BBC iPlayer though the desire to actually watch it deminishes more and more.

I think the problem lies with the phone and maybe the os, certainly neither DTAC or AIS limit local wifi in any way at all. I do use a local simcard for data purposes and to be honest, if your phone is unlocked, with DTAC you can get 4GB data with free daytime calls to other DTAC users for £8 a month from any of the 7-11 stores.

Message 3 of 6

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Have you tried reloading your service books?
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Message 4 of 6

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Many thanks to all of you who replied , Well I have never had this problem before with down or up loading mail via Pop 3 to my Google , GMX and O2 email accounts until towards the end of last month , First I notice I could not receive or send emails then I noticed I could not even conect to the internet .Yes I could connect to the router Which is a FORTH TOT Fiber link but that works fine . My desk is about 5 feet from the router were I also have my Lap Top which works fine also my Smart TV connects to the router and can down and up load mail  this is how I found out that the Black Berry was not work . I can connect to the Router with the Black Berry and connect to Google or Yahoo but the pop3 link just wont work .


So I went to a few other places near my office and tried there WiFiand it was the same it was the same no pop3 forwarding so the problem is the network or the phone .


So I reinstall new firmware this was 7.1.0 Bundle 2061and like you say reloading service books but its still the same .Which brings me to think is it the net work .I live in the south of Thailand and been down here since 95 but I think this may have to wait until I return to the UK next year . But its very strange .


As for not being able to connect to O2 from thailand well its now working again as before I could only get access useing a VPN .


Many Thanks again I wonder if I will have the same problem in Malaysia or Singapore .



Message 5 of 6

Level 94: Supreme
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Any chance you could try IMAP instead of POP?
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
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