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Nokia Lumia 920

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Any new news on the Nokia Lumia 920 becoming available on O2?


The EE exclusivety finishes today (31st December 2012) and as of yet there has been no definitive answer from any of the other networks, other than the odd rumour on a tech site. There is no sign of the phone on the Coming soon section of the shop either.


Surely you want to sell the WP8 flagship phone?

Message 1 of 191
190 REPLIES 190

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info: Welcome to O2. Someone will be with you soon.
info: You're through to 'O2 : Jonny'
Alex: Hi
O2 : Jonny: Hi there. My name's O2 : Jonny I am an O2 Upgrades advisor, how can I help you today?
Alex: I am trying to find the answer to a question i have asked several times elsewhere and not really received an answer too
Alex: i would like to know if O2 are planning on offering the Nokia Lumia 920
O2 : Jonny: Let me check this for you, if there are any updated for this.
O2 : Jonny: There is still no update for that phone. Have you tried at any of our O2 shops?
Alex: the phone is not available in store
Alex: the phone had an exclusive with EE which has recently ended
Alex: i was looking for an update re the availability of this handset with O2
Alex: The previous model, the Lumia 900, was not offered by O2 at all in the UK despite it being the WP8 flagship device and i was wondering if this is still the case for the updated model
O2 : Jonny: Have you checked with other O2 shops? I can help you with a link for this with the phone numbers.
Alex: O2 shops generally don't know what is going on if im honest, but i can assure you that the device is not in the store
O2 : Jonny: Is that the only phone that you are interested in?
Alex: yes i am afraid so
O2 : Jonny: I'm sorry for the non availability of the phone, if you do keep a tab on the O2 website, you'll get more information once it will be launched.
Alex: ok here is the problem
Alex: you have just typed "you'll get more information once it will be launched"
Alex: rather than IF it will be launched
Alex: are you confirming to me that O2 do at some point in the future plan to offer the Lumia 920?
O2 : Jonny: I'm sorry, I can't confirm if it will be launched with us soon, but if it is launched, then the first place for any information would be on the O2 website.
Alex: ok thankyou
O2 : Jonny: You're Welcome.
O2 : Jonny: Is there anything else I can help you with?
Alex: no not really, im just curious why O2 do not offer Nokia flagship devices.
Alex: Anyway thanks for your help
O2 : Jonny: You're Welcome. It was a pleasure chatting with you.
O2 : Jonny: Bye and take care.
Alex: thankyou
Alex: bye

Message 31 of 191

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The online chat are useless, they're told nothing, a common theme with O2.

They'll often tell you anything you want to hear to get you off the chat, or like this guy, fob you off by telling you to phone or go to a shop.


I think we can be pretty confident that O2 will not be launching the 920.  They would have known this some time ago, but instead of saying "no, we're not going to carry it", they fob us off in the hope we'll stay with them for another month or two.  Ah well, they've blown it.

Message 32 of 191

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Another reason to jump ship is the fact that O2 are not a UK company. Telefonica are the parent company, who are Spanish I believe? Vodafone are completely British, so I think it is time we supported our country, how do I get a PAC?

Message 33 of 191

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Jeez, really?  That's a reason to leave?


How much British tax do Vodafone pay, remind me?


There's reasons to leave O2, but petty jingoism isn't one of them.

Message 34 of 191

Level 69: Guiding Light
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@Anonymous wrote:

Another reason to jump ship is the fact that O2 are not a UK company.

Of course it's a UK company employing 12,000 people, it's just owned abroad which many are.


What do you have against the Spanish anyway?

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Message 35 of 191

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Have to agree..  My contract was up last August - ive waited patiently thinking that 02 would stock the 920 as soon as the EE exclusivity ended..


Three & vodaphone have annouced they are stocking the 920.


Ive been with 02 since the begining..  and have been a loyal customer on a high tariff - i am disgusted at the complete lack of information regarding the nokia 920 - both on the phone & in store.


All O2 had to say, months ago, was that they had no intention of stocking the 920 but no, instead they keep on taking my money & expect me to stay.


ive had enough. 



Message 36 of 191

Level 94: Supreme
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No one is forcing any of you to stay. If you can get the phone you want elsewhere then go and get it - Simples !!
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 37 of 191

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Of course we are not being forced to stay - I'm guessing that everyone who is asking about the Nokia 920 is due for an upgrade and wants that particular phone - we want to stay with o2, we want to be loyal customers and we want to provide o2 with another 48 months of money - all it takes to keep us is a little bit of information / honesty..
Message 38 of 191

Level 94: Supreme
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I would expect to see more 4G capable phones once O2 know what they will be able to deliver in the way of 4G services. If you've been with O2 for any length of time you will know already that they don't make any announcements too far in advance. 1 months notice is about as good as it gets....
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 39 of 191

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02 / vodaphone looking to combine resources to provide 4G in 98% of outdoor areas by 2015. (source:

I'm not that bothered that 4G isnt available on o2 right now - i just love the windows 0S and like the look / feel of the 920 - i know that o2 historically keep there cards close to their chest and didn't expect any information until the EE Exclusivity ended on the 31st Jan.

However, i would have thought that with vodaphone ready to supply on the 6th Feb someone high up would at least advise if o2 have any plans to stock the 920 - if, for arguments sake, they said it would be available on the 1st of March, I'd stick around but its the not knowing that is annoying.

Anyway - just wanted to vent my spleen in the hope that someone at o2 is taking notice of their loyal customers.

It would be nice if in the next few days they could announce if they will be stocking the 920 in the not too distant future, otherwise i will take your original advice and take by business elsewhere.
Message 40 of 191