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Nokia Lumia 1020 - Repairs/warranty etc?

Not applicable

Hello all,


Just a question regarding this phone. I can purchased a used Lumia 1020. 


However, what rights do I have with it if something goes wrong? Warranty wise. Am I covered by the manufacturer. The phone is locked to O2 (Can GiffGaff be used on O2 locked by the way?). Regarding hardware faults.


If I am not covered, say the digitiser is defective, how much am I Looking at?


Last question, say the gorilla glass is scratched to hell, are they easy to replace? Does the whole unit need to be taken apart (as I know some phones have the digitiser and glass combined).


Thanks all,



Message 1 of 64

Not applicable

Hmm maybe not sure. Well just got a email back they are a cash converters store.


Certainly not my first choice if I were buying a phone.


Well the price I paid for the phone certainly tells me either 1) The seller knew it was a refurb, upgrade etc 2) The store ripped the person off 3) They didn't have enough technical knowledge to price it rightly.


The phones condition is certainly what CEX would rate at C, but overall it is in very good condition (only under light you can see the light marks). 



Maybe I am looking too much into it wink after all the battery was completely empty upon arrival (not even enough to tell me its low) so could well be a refurb, seller tossed it when he/she got it back. Maybe wink a lot of maybe there.

Message 41 of 64

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Then deal with Amazon..their Marketplace sellers HAVE to conform to the t's and c's...

Cash Converters means it is refurbished..(or NOT as the case may be..)

Amazon in all honesty will act on your behalf if the goods are not fit for purpose slight_frown

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 42 of 64

Not applicable

Thanks all 😞


I will see what Nokia Care have to say before returning it as it may be nothing to worry about.


Smell Update: Just to give you a sense of smell I am ... smelling, it is that scent given out from the back of your TV or computer monitors (some have it).

Message 43 of 64

Not applicable

No worries and I hope things go well.


Look forward to a good reasonable outcome.



Message 44 of 64

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That's usually dust getting hot on a TV or Monitor - Maybe the phone has been sitting around getting dusty and needs a clean out....?
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Message 45 of 64

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Haven't heard much back from Nokia Care, 3rd party repair guys wanted to send someone around to collect the phone... hmm no thanks.


That said, it seems like this is how the phone is. Only gets hot when playing games (been into Asphalt 8 lately, why not, pass time).


That said I have noticed only now and again the phone will "touch" itself. For instance the search option (bing search), or "going back" to random app launches (mainly Internet explorer). I assume the latter is a software issue.


It isn't as bad now that I have reduced the sensitivity to "normal" instead of "high" (Nokia gloves thingy). So it is probably just some dirt on the screen.



I've got a feeling that smell is just the metal getting hot and that top 3.5mm jack is acting like a vent for the heat generated, as the CPU/GPU seems to be behind the camera hump (as evident by the heat given when using apps). 



On the + note, I managed to obtain the free camera grip and my word does the grip leak battery wink



Phones been working flawlessly since (touch wood!).

Message 46 of 64

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Thank you for the update.

Well done for getting the camera grip. slight_smile
Message 47 of 64

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Sounds like it's behaving itself now and yes it will get hot when playing demanding games as the processor will be running flat out.....
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 48 of 64

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Right, hopefully this will get sorted soon.


When I contacted the guys at Nokia Care they escalated the issue to Anovo. A support agent got in contact with me stating the issue they received and has requested collection using UPS to their centre in Thetford.


Any precautions I can take? Not that I think it isn't legit I just dislike the thought of handing over my device so freely. 



What would you do? They are coming tomorrow.

Message 49 of 64

Not applicable
Take time / date stamped photos of it or put it on a copy of that's days newspaper to have evidence of the condition of how you sent it off. Front and back pics.

Perform a back up.

Get some form of receipt.

Their site looks impressive
Message 50 of 64