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Bluetooth causes headaches / migraines

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Anyone else have this bluetooth migraine problem?

For months i have been getting incredible headaches at work.

Someone asked me to send a file via bluetooth to them and after 2 -3 mins i had a really bad headache !

As an experiment , i downloaded bluetooth spammer and sent messages to everyone at work asking them to turn off their bluetooth devices, miracoulously after a couple of minutes my headaches subsided.

After a bit of research , it seems that bluetooth uses a similiar wavelength as microwaves, but the weird thing is out of all the people i have talked to ( maybe 20-30) only 3 people seem to be affected by this ( small sample but approx 10%).

I have checked for research on the web but cannot see anything.
if anyone has the same issue let me know, would like to get some numbers on this.
Message 1 of 36

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I am glad to see this topic here.

I got headache from bluetooth, too.
I work in IT. So please do not try to tell me my headache is from something else.

I know all technical about bluetooth.

Five years ago, I bought my bluetooth headset. that was the first time I got headache from bluetooth device. I was trying to showoff so I wore for half an hour hour waking on the street. My head hurt for the rest to the day.

Five years in IT, I think I have collected enough experience about bluetooth headache. Bluetooth keyboard, bluetooth mouse, bluetooth scanner, laptop with bluetooth, car with bluetooth, and etc...

Acura uses bluetooth on his cars. I got headache right after stepping into dealership. I believe other cars use bluetooth as well. Acura has the strongest single over all others.

Recently, the province I live in pass the law require every car drive to use hands free device while driving. More and more people have bluetooth headset now. I think I better stay at home for the rest of my life....
Message 11 of 36

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I am happy to hear about more people with the same problem.
I don´t use bluetooth machines normally. But i got this beatiful "magic mouse" from apple, wich uses this kind of technology. The first day I uses 2 hours or more, and then I realizad i get dizzy. I wen to bed and when I look at one point at the wall it started to make circles as when you are drunk, and I was not drunk at all. I am still using it, to make tests about how I feel after a couple of hours or more using it. Couse I don´t want to blame it without being sure. I am going to make more tests. This could be a massive health problem for millions of people,
Message 12 of 36

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Rarely have I heard so much ill-informed guesswork as some of the posts here, have none of you read and absorbed (if it won't make you feel bad) the post by Zenith, giving you the power outputs of various devices?

If Bluetooth makes you ill so will your home phone and your Sky box, possibly the street lamps too, in fact your only hope of survival may be to disconnect the electricity supply to your homes altogether.

Normal Bluetooth only works to a range of about 10 metres anyway.

I have been using mobile phones for 17 years and Bluetooth ever since it was available, all day every day.

If you feel unwell go and see a doctor.
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Sky Unlimited Broadband - Windows 10 - Nexus 4 Android 5.1.1
Message 13 of 36

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Hi sheepdog

It's not as if this info is hidden or hard to obtain, you can look up these emissions on the internet easily and see exactly what little power they have. 😐

Circles on the wall - Good Grief!!
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Sky Unlimited Broadband - Windows 10 - Nexus 4 Android 5.1.1
Message 14 of 36

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Wow! another conspiracy theory.I think anyone having these sort of problems needs to see an optician to rule out the eye problem. Maybe they should stop using BT products and stay away from anyone using them. Passive bluetoothing will possibly have harmful effects on your brains....but it may be too late already. The goverment is sure to ban passive B/tooth in pubs and restaurants and especially in cars! Bluetooth is averywhere, and if you have convinced yourself that it has a detrimental effect on your health, then stop using it and make sure your family follows your reasoning.
Then please leave the rest of us to enjoy the benefits of Bluetooth.
I wish everyone good health.
Message 15 of 36

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I have the Motorola H690. Whenever I have it in my ear and in the "on" position, it gives me painful headaches. I don't necessarily need to be speaking. The ear piece that came with my blackberry is usb. Whenever I used that, I was fine. I wanted to go wireless because it was more convenient. I've used it in the home and the car and every time, I get these headaches. Does anyone else suffer from this? I don't own a microwave because it has been alleged that they are bad for your health. And I've been reading that the bluetooth sends similar signals.. I'm not technical and only go on what I'm experiencing physically..

As for microwave ovens these have been used since 1967 all over the world with no problems.

Try a little research of your own instead of relying on hearsay and gossip.

Microwave radiation

The microwaves emitted by the source in a microwave oven are confined in the oven by the material out of which microwave oven is constructed. Tests have shown confinement of the microwaves in commercially available ovens to be so nearly universal as to make routine testing unnecessary. According to the United States Food and Drug Administration's Center for Devices and Radiological Health, a U.S. Federal Standard limits the amount of microwaves that can leak from an oven throughout its lifetime to 5 milliwatts of microwave radiation per square centimetre at approximately 2 inches from the surface of the oven. This is far below the exposure level currently considered to be harmful to human health.

from Wikipedia. Not always a reliable source but this info is commonly available.
To support Disasters Emergency Committee: text Nepal to 70000 to send £5

Sky Unlimited Broadband - Windows 10 - Nexus 4 Android 5.1.1
Message 16 of 36

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Your Acura (Honda) statement and going into a dealership. Correct me here but in my car, Bluetooth is only active when you switch on the engine so unless they were running the engine inside...

For whatever reason, I kept thinking Acura's keyless entry system is using bluetooth technology. You might be right. Maybe just one of their salesmen happened to have their bluetooth on while I went in.

I am here to share my problem with people who have the same problem. I just want them to know that they are not alone.

If you don't believe what I said, that means you don't get headache from bluetooth. I feel happy for you. I really do!!

You have no idea how bad my life is now. Every time I feel something, I have to find whose device is and beg him to turn it off.
Message 17 of 36

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I quickly forbade use of wireless at home as soon as we got it, as as soon as it was switched on I became confused, the hairs on my back went up, and my skin tingled. I knew when it had been switched on from these effects without having seen or heard it was on, and my son was forced to believe me even though he had thought it to be nonsense.
Unfortunately, it has been introduced at work, and I can't avoid it there. I have just now been released from hospital with suspected TIAs (minor strokes), but not fitting the pattern well, and suspicion of migraine from the doctors but again not fitting standard patterns.
Thank you for your posts about bluetooth - as a result, we have turned off our lovely(!) bluetooth mouse.
Message 18 of 36

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I didn't know this thread was still going. There you go sheepdog, radiation to cook your duck, just strap a mobile to its back and call it 3 times a day grin
Message 19 of 36

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Wow. I don't think I've ever seen such unsubstanciated claims in all my life.
Heres a few numbers for you :

Approx Uk Population : 61m.
Approx Number of mobiles phones in the UK at present : 1.8 per person.
Approx Total mobiles in the UK : 1.8 x 61m = 109.8m handsets.

If the OP's experiment were extrapalated to fit these numbers (10% effected) then we would have a total of 6m UK persons who would suffer from this wireless/bluetooth signal/headache issue............Really, i think I may have heard or seen something in the media about this if it were so?

And with over 109m handsets in the uk, all using one form or other of wireless technology (because mobiles are not connected to any wiring, they become 'wireless') I would have expected some sort of national up roar regarding a huge protion of the national population having constant headaches, my numebrs above also do not include wireless land line hand set in the home, just mobiles.

This headache issue may well affect a very very small number of the population and the medical world may not be able to either diagnose or prove that wireless emmissions are causing this, but please be realistic.

Our planet is bombarded daily with microwaves and other solar emissions which are not fully filtered out by our atmosphere, some of these have longer, some shorter waves lengths, some are proven harmful to humans others are not harmful. The emissions made by any technology created by human hands is completly insignificant compared to what the universe chucks at us each day.

If we really were all as sensitive to man made emissions as some on this post would suggest then how do you explain the millenia of human evolution we have gone through whilst being constantly struck with more powerful natural radiation (which also includes the spectrum of waves that are used for bluetooth, wirless etc)?

I suggest those afected get themselves a good tailor and have a tin foil hat and suite made, maybe with some of those lovely wire coat hanger lapels? And bottle caps for buttons?
Message 20 of 36