on 24-12-2012 19:16
on 24-12-2012 19:16
Having a bad day with techn010gy, my new B1ackberry 9320 has g0ne wr0ng, the screen is b1ank m0st 0f the time & when the h0mesreen d0es sh0w n0ne 0f the keys w0rk, & the 1ight at the t0p is usua11y f1ashing 0range, 0r static green! Text & emai1s are getting thr0ugh but I am unab1e t0 read them???? 0h, & as y0u can see, s0me 0f the keys 0n my 1apt0p are n0t w0rking! P1ease can any0ne he1p, thank y0u!!
on 24-12-2012 19:20
on 24-12-2012 19:35