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the theatre ..... does anyone go these days?

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it just very recently dawned on me the last time I went to the theatre was to see a magic show put at the Bingley Little Theatre by the Bradford Magic Circle ..... = ..... local dancing troupe of girls opened each half of the show + funny magic + just awesome big tricks magic + almost stand-up commedian magic + witty compere ..... = ..... fun family, auditorium packed show ..... you can see from any seat in the house, but I like to sit near the centre front row as then you can see more clearly the close-up magic ..... & ..... yes, as an oldie but hopefull goodly person I do believe in magic & fairies too slight_smile

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I have been to see We Will Rock You about 15 times...The Buddy Holly Story. ...The Jersey Boys, The Lion King, (to name but a few. My favourite of all time though is the Rock Horror Picture Show....been there, dressed up and got the tee shirt LOL

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I mean basque of course

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Girl in a jacket
Message 3 of 15

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@jonsie wrote:

Does a ladyboy show count.....?


Ladyboys Show.jpg

of course it does jonsie ..... & ..... arn't they just drop down gorgeous & the man in the middle ain't arf bad either wink

Message 4 of 15

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@Cleoriff wrote:

I have been to see We Will Rock You about 15 times...The Buddy Holly Story. ...The Jersey Boys, The Lion King, (to name but a few. My favourite of all time though is the Rock Horror Picture Show....been there, dressed up and got the tee shirt LOL

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ah Cleoriff yes, the Rocky Horror Picture Show ..... any pics you can send me by pm? ..... apparently that twerp Nicholas Parsons did it complete with black stockings & suspenders = no comment, but that chap who presented the Crystal Maze on tv did it too & I can well imagine he'd be great in all t' gear

I have been known, albeit not dressed for the part, to do the time warp slight_smile

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Jane....The guy who wrote the Rocky Horror show was Richard O'Brien. He was in the film and played the weird butler called Riffraff....

That's why one of my cats was called Riffraff....and then I made it part of my user name on here. (The Cleo bit comes from the name of my first cat).......:smileywink:

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Girl in a jacket
Message 6 of 15

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The chap from the Crystal Maze wrote the show, Richard O'Brien in fact he wrote the book, film, music and all the lyrics.


Having seen Nicholas Parsons in a private cabaret I can say he's no twerp and incredibly funny.


I think Jason Donovan took the lead part.


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Message 7 of 15

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@Cleoriff wrote:

Jane....The guy who wrote the Rocky Horror show was Richard O'Brien. He was in the film and played the weird butler called Riffraff....

That's why one of my cats was called Riffraff....and then I made it part of my user name on here. (The Cleo bit comes from the name of my first cat).......:smileywink:

do I take it that the chap whose name I couldn't remember is Richard O'Brien D'oh!

great story about how you chose your username on here ..... not to mention your cats' name's of course 

& talking of cats ..... how is Gizmo? slight_smile

Message 8 of 15

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@perksie wrote:

The chap from the Crystal Maze wrote the show, Richard O'Brien in fact he wrote the book, film, music and all the lyrics.


Having seen Nicholas Parsons in a private cabaret I can say he's no twerp and incredibly funny.


sorry perksie, I just can't do with the guy, as far as I've seen/heard him eg chair Just a Minute on BBCR4 ..... I generally listen to the 6 o' clock news on the radio & turn off when his show comes on 

Message 9 of 15

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@perksie wrote:

The chap from the Crystal Maze wrote the show, Richard O'Brien in fact he wrote the book, film, music and all the lyrics.


Having seen Nicholas Parsons in a private cabaret I can say he's no twerp and incredibly funny.


I think Jason Donovan took the lead part.


when I think of Jason Donovan I wouldn't think of him performing in a 'strong show' like the RHPS or Neighbours I think Joseph & the Technicolour Dreamcoat show & of his music & Kylie Minogue ..... = ..... I regularly put his songs on the juke box at the local WMC & Kylie Minogue's Je Ne Se Quais song 

he did Strictly Come Dancing on tv, but he practised wearing a sleeveless singlet showing off robust armit hair ..... = ..... Urgh !!!

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