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King Richard III

Not applicable

he did not have a 'hunched back' = he had what the fast runner Eusain Bolt has ie unequal (not horizontally in line) shoulders

his body was found 'scrunched up' because the hole dug for him was too small for his body

no-one will ever know what happend to 'the 2 princes in the tower' but it is likely a powerful 'baron' or family had 'dirty hands'

Westminster Abbey said there is no room for the remains of King Richard III ..... York Minster wanted his remains as he was something big to do with York (sorry but it just escapes me atm) ..... Leicester Cathedral wanted him as his remains were found under one of the 'R's' in the Car Park of local administration offices, he fell fighting at the battle of Bosworth = the last Plantaganet King of England

imho Kings & Queens of England are laid to rest in our capital city of London at Westminster Abbey & that's where he should have been laid to rest ..... shame on you the 'powers-that-be' = you just didn't want him

& of course as my astute mum says they (York & Leicester) want him for the tourists' cash - my mum who left school at 14 to be a live-in scullery maid & educated herself after me & my sister left home ..... my mum & dad have always been big fans of King Richard III ..... me & my mum went to see the Shakespeare play at Bradford Alhambra Theatre starring Robert Lindsay ..... my mum & dad saw Sir Ian Mcellern in the starring role at Leeds Grand Theatre

all from my memory ..... obviously, you tech people can look it all up on the web slight_smile

what do you think?

Message 1 of 33

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He was, however, on Vodafone.

Message 2 of 33

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@Anonymous wrote:

He was, however, on Vodafone.

just luv luv luv the above ^   ^   ^   @Anonymous spit-take/falls off chair Bouncy Fantastic LOL

Message 3 of 33

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@Anonymous wrote:

He was, however, on Vodafone.

No wonder they didn't want him in London! Happy Dance

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Message 4 of 33

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I work for O2 in the shop on the Highstreet in Leicester. It was extremely busy in the city. His parade came right past the shop in fact! I offered him a contract but he was in a rush. Something about his parking ticket...


On a serious note, the celebrations have been very cool. 
They had a ceremony in the city last night, with fireworks and candles. 2015-03-27 18.50.36-2.jpg

Message 5 of 33

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I just smile cynically at the way history appears to have re-written itself over this man

Yes he was a King....but a but a nasty piece of work if truth be told....

Since they dug his remains up and buried him with much pomp and ceremony.....It seems now he wasn't evil at all...he was just misunderstood  Rolleys

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 6 of 33

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@Cleoriff wrote:

I just smile cynically at the way history appears to have re-written itself over this man

Yes he was a King....but a but a nasty piece of work if truth be told....

When his body was carried back to Leicester after his demise at Bosworth it is alleged he was draped over a horse and citizens were encouraged to prod him in intimate places in order to feel revenged for his tyranny......

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Message 7 of 33

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@MI5 wrote:

@Cleoriff wrote:

I just smile cynically at the way history appears to have re-written itself over this man

Yes he was a King....but a but a nasty piece of work if truth be told....

When his body was carried back to Leicester after his demise at Bosworth it is alleged he was draped over a horse and citizens were encouraged to prod him in intimate places in order to feel revenged for his tyranny......

I haven't heard that one Rich....but yes I can see how that would have made some people feel better Bouncy

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 8 of 33

Not applicable

@Anonymous wrote:

I work for O2 in the shop on the Highstreet in Leicester. It was extremely busy in the city. His parade came right past the shop in fact! I offered him a contract but he was in a rush. Something about his parking ticket...


On a serious note, the celebrations have been very cool. 
They had a ceremony in the city last night, with fireworks and candles. 2015-03-27 18.50.36-2.jpg

I saw a little of yes @Cleoriff the pomp & circumstance on tv & I'm not big on p & c personally eg it's hypocritical for one imho = yes, I like celebration & each to our own opinions of this divisive in the sense of opinion King say at present ..... I'd heard the one about throwing his remains over a horse & being 'ridiculed' ..... to me it's a question of research (not my own, of course) & I know this is a word you will know & respect Cleoriff as in your professional career - the research I'd say I've taken note of is the woman who organised the dig in the car park & doggedly fundraised for it + my mum particularly in her personal reading = you say neatly how history has re-written his story from bad man to good man (sorry my basic language) & I respect your opinion as others

let's just say I won't be having that traditional pic of King Richard III on my workroom wall alongside the pic of my pin-up = actor Harrison Ford Crazy LOL :womanhappy:

btw I used to live in a little village in rural Leicestershire (not even a bank) & enjoyed exploring Leicester city with my son then in the buggy slight_smile

Message 9 of 33

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Being an innovative guy he created Apple Care. 

Indubitably true. Samsung S21 Ultra and Xiaomi 14 Ultra
Message 10 of 33