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eBay seller fees charged!

Not applicable



Further to my recent problems with that old Galaxy S2 phone, I recently put the phone on eBay thinking it was all unlocked and sorted for sale, it wasn't, but that's beside the point... Anyway to cut a long story short, the sale fell through, because the "buyer" told me his account has been hacked or used fraudulently and purchases have been made from other sellers without his knowledge or consent.


Now eBay are charging me £14.38 seller fees for a sale that did not even happen! What the hell?! I have been in touch with customer support on eBay to try and get out of the payment, but typically they side with the buyer in disputes, even though in this case technically there was no "buyer" as no sale took place.


I have already taken steps against the "buyer" by reporting him for non-payment etc, but to date nothing has happened as far as I know, chuffin' typical!


Message 1 of 15

Not applicable



It should be put in a wall mounted case with writing on the glass saying "break only in an emergency"




Message 11 of 15

Not applicable

Well, eBay have taken the money out of my Paypal account, despite no actual sale taking place, I tried to get out of the payment last week, but eBay does this stupid thing where they side with the buyer in disputes, even though in this particular case, he was in the wrong.



Message 12 of 15

Not applicable

Stick with it Richard,


Eventually I'm sure e bay will catch up with the sequence of events and return any monies taken   slight_smile

Message 13 of 15

Not applicable


 Unfortunately Ebay will try to enforce charges because they will claim that a seller might have sold the item for cash and then tried to get out of paying the seller fee's, i know it is all a bit far fetched but then that is Ebay for you, good luck with htis and i hope it all comes good for you, i would stick with it and not let them walk away from it


i have so far been lucky with both buying and selling and have only ever had one problem when i bought a large pre formed pond liner,conatcted the seller to arrange collection only to be told that he had sold it locally the day the auction started, he could not understand that you can not auction something you dont actually have lol


i have a neighbour who sold a perfectly good freeview recorder box,the buyer claimed it didnt work and so paypal refunded him with no time for the seller to have any say in the matter,when the box was returned from the buyer there were screws missing from the case and when my neighbour looked inside the hard drive was missing.

Message 14 of 15

Not applicable

@Anonymous wrote: i have a neighbour who sold a perfectly good freeview recorder box,the buyer claimed it didnt work and so paypal refunded him with no time for the seller to have any say in the matter,when the box was returned from the buyer there were screws missing from the case and when my neighbour looked inside the hard drive was missing.

I agree.


Problem is its one persons word against another.


The buyer could claim the unit arrived without the hard-drive inserted !


Sad fact is scams exist on the street and also on the internet.


I dont purchase anything expensive or electronic from such auction sites.




Message 15 of 15