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White Room Thursday Quiz 10 Oct 2019

Level 47: Going Places
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     This week`s contestant, chosen at random by @EmilieT is




The six questions are:


Q1 [people]: Who, according to Greek legend, slew the Minotaur?


Q2 [geography]: Where is the only Cape in England?


Q3 [nature]: What is the longest animal?


Q4 [literature]: How many lines are there in a sonnet?


Q5 [currency]: In which country is the bolivar the currency?


Q6 [food and drink]: Which foodstuff has varieties known as Yukon Gold and Russian Banana? 



You can only give one answer to each question.

You can answer the questions in any order - please copy and paste the question and add your answer.

You can post all of the answers together in one posts; or post one, or more, answer in several posts [as @pgn did previously]; at any time between 00.01 [one minute after midnight] and 23.59 [11.59pm] tomorrow [Thursday] 10 October 2019.

Any answer posted before 00.01 or after 23.59 will be declared void.

Please - no googling, Wiki, social media, Youtube in search of the answers.


The results, with the correct answers, will be posted either late on Thursday 10 October [after answers have been submitted] or on Friday morning 11 October 2019.

Each correct answer will be awarded a star

If you get all six questions correct, you will be awarded the Silver Thinker

Image result for silver thinker


All members, including those who have already been a contestant or have put their names forward as contestants and those who are considering being a future contestant, are welcome to join in and play along - by making their own list of questions and seeing how many they can get right - but, please do not post your answers on the thread.


Thank you for your interest and good luck @Cleoriff 


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 1 of 15

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Cleo immediately spits tea all over PC.... LOL

I'm off out for a while so will give them more thought when I get back.

Off the top of my head, I 'think' I know 3-4....

(Note to brain cells...START WORKING!!) Cat

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 2 of 15

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When preparing the questions over the weekend I came across some information which formed the basis for two of the questions, did some research and verified the answers - so these could be brain-teasers...


So what do the "regulars" - @pgn ; @EmilieT ; @jonsie ; @gmarkj ; @Anonymous ; @AnnieM   - who normally play along, think? Could you answer all, or some, of the six questions? And are any new members, or those who have not played before, going to have a go and make their own lists [but not post them on here] and see how many they get right when the results are given?


Good luck everyone  


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 3 of 15

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At first glance, I think I may have 3 of this one @Mi-Amigo ... we'll see very soon how right or wrong I was - good luck @Cleoriff nerd

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Message 4 of 15

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Not well.
On an initial pass i might get 3/4 but those would all be a guess...

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Message 5 of 15

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One question please. Re the longest animal. Is this longest animal ever found (and no longer exists) or current longest animal? There is a difference I think?

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 6 of 15

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@Cleoriff wrote:


One question please. Re the longest animal. Is this longest animal ever found (and no longer exists) or current longest animal? There is a difference I think?

Good question @Cleoriff 

It is the longest currently exisiting animal - not an exinct or prehistoric animal.


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 7 of 15

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Q1 [people]: Who, according to Greek legend, slew the Minotaur?

A: Lovely Greek mythology. The answer was Theseus (the mythical king of Athens). He killed him in the Labyrinth.


Q2 [geography]: Where is the only Cape in England?

A: Cornwall. Known as Cape Cornwall near St Just. (I've been there and it's lovely)


Q3 [nature]: What is the longest animal?

A: Struggled with this one a bit as I remember a tale of a Bootlace worm which was found in the 1800's and was extremely long. However, I clarified this was in this day and age and have a feeling it's a Jellyfish. I've forgotten the full name though have a feeling it's something to do with a Lion.


Q4 [literature]: How many lines are there in a sonnet?

A: 14 lines in a sonnet.


Q5 [currency]: In which country is the bolivar the currency?

A: Venezuela.


Q6 [food and drink]: Which foodstuff has varieties known as Yukon Gold and Russian Banana? 

A: I know Yukon Gold are Potatoes so presume the Russian Banana is the same.(though I have never heard of them!) 

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 8 of 15

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Thanks for your answers @Cleoriff 

As some of those who regularly play along have already given their comments, and rather than keep you waiting, I`m pleased to announce the results to the answers given:


Q1 [people]: Who, according to Greek legend, slew the Minotaur?

A1: Lovely Greek mythology. The answer was Theseus (the mythical king of Athens). He killed him in the Labyrinth.

- correct = awarded star [one of the questions prompted when I was reading over the weekend. This was a tricky one as most people assume the victors in Greek legend are Perseus [who slew Medusa, the Gorgon] or Hercules. 


Q2 [geography]: Where is the only Cape in England?

A2: Cornwall. Known as Cape Cornwall near St Just. (I've been there and it's lovely)

- correct = awarded star [the other question prompted when reading at the weekend. I went there as a kid with my parents]


Q3 [nature]: What is the longest animal?

A3: Struggled with this one a bit as I remember a tale of a Bootlace worm which was found in the 1800's and was extremely long. However, I clarified this was in this day and age and have a feeling it's a Jellyfish. I've forgotten the full name though have a feeling it's something to do with a Lion.

- firstly: this was the QI-style question and therefore need the full name of the animal - but at least you did not fall for the usual answer "blue whale". You were also correct about the bootlace worm [also known as the ribbon worm].

The correct answer is the lion`s mane jellyfish. As you came very close to the right answer and, to be fair, I will award half star.


Q4 [literature]: How many lines are there in a sonnet?

A: 14 lines in a sonnet.

- correct = awarded star


Q5 [currency]: In which country is the bolivar the currency?

A: Venezuela.

- correct = awarded star


Q6 [food and drink]: Which foodstuff has varieties known as Yukon Gold and Russian Banana? 

A: I know Yukon Gold are Potatoes so presume the Russian Banana is the same.(though I have never heard of them!) 

- correct = awarded star


@Cleoriff you are awarded star star star star star and a half stars - just missing out on the sixth and the Silver Thinker - well done with what I thought were some tricky questions [especially Q1 and Q3]


How did those playing along get on? Did anyone get the right answer to the longest animal, or know all six answers? Your comments and feedback are welcome.


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 9 of 15

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Thanks @Mi-Amigo 

To be fair, I like Greek mythology so that was ok for me.


I could kick myself about the jellyfish. Lions Mane was the full name. Easy when you see it in print.

(I do have to say that was a quiz question a few years back. Then we put Blue whale and one or two others went for the reticulated python)

I have just looked for an image and found this.

Image result for lion's mane jellyfish compared to blue whale


Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 10 of 15