on 09-02-2017 09:46
on 09-02-2017 09:46
on 30-10-2024 09:35
on 30-10-2024 09:35
Cloudy here but dry 10C
on 30-10-2024 15:27
on 30-10-2024 15:27
Feels mild
on 30-10-2024 19:18
on 30-10-2024 19:18
Wednesday was the third consecutive day of grey and overcast weather, but it was dry - no rain and no wind.
However, it seems slightly cooler, 14 degrees celsius at 2.00pm and down to 11 degrees celsius at the time of writing. 👍
on 31-10-2024 08:03
on 31-10-2024 08:03
Dark, dreary and 10c.
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 31-10-2024 08:44
on 31-10-2024 08:44
Grey, bit of a breeze, dry and 13ºC.
on 31-10-2024 16:30
on 31-10-2024 16:30
Dismal. Depressing grey light like that in a Lowry painting 11c
on 31-10-2024 18:52
on 31-10-2024 18:52
Thursday :-
A similar day of grey and overcast weather, but it was dry - no rain and no wind. However, there was thick fog this morning which lingered until about 10.00am and it is coming down again as I write.
It is yet again slightly cooler, 13 degrees celsius at 2.00pm and down to 9 degrees celsius at the time of writing. 👍
on 01-11-2024 05:39
on 01-11-2024 05:39
Forecast is dry for a week = that'll do me xx
on 01-11-2024 09:02
on 01-11-2024 09:02
Dry, overcast. Cold wind. 10c
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 01-11-2024 19:13
on 01-11-2024 19:13
Friday :-
Back to grey and overcast weather, but it was dry - no rain and no wind.
Again 14 degrees celsius at 2.00pm and down to 11 degrees celsius at the time of writing. 👍