on 09-02-2017 09:46
on 09-02-2017 09:46
on 22-09-2023 09:38
on 22-09-2023 09:38
Real Autumnal weather currently. Sun out Breezy and 8c
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 23-09-2023 07:22
on 23-09-2023 07:22
Sun out as it dawns. However breezy and chilly 7c.
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 23-09-2023 07:40
on 23-09-2023 07:40
Just put the central heating on to give it a run-through ..... 10c cloudy but with some blue sky, at best 14c forecast for later in the day = rain overnight = best time for it xx
on 24-09-2023 15:00
Not bad this morning here now it's raining 17C
on 24-09-2023 15:41
on 24-09-2023 15:41
16degC and drippy all morning, and dark enough to need the light on inside up until now... 😖
on 24-09-2023 17:59
on 24-09-2023 17:59
The day has been pretty true to forecast ... breezy & dry enough to hang some washing out = must go and gather it in now ... 18c indoors ... & ... out too xx
on 24-09-2023 20:40
on 24-09-2023 20:40
Bit windy here now
on 25-09-2023 08:21
on 25-09-2023 08:21
Sunny this morning but remains windy and cold. 13c
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 25-09-2023 08:51
Blew a right hoolie all night, and wet - in fact it barely stopped raining yesterday and seems to have continued overnight after a passing line-squall brought wind and rain at around 18:30 yesterday.
on 25-09-2023 12:22
on 25-09-2023 12:22
Really windy yesterday evening & during the night ... you could hear it, but it lulled me to sleep ... sunny now with strong breeze ... washing out on line ... 17c ... feels cooler, but I'm not planning on going out today as will only spend money, Ha Ha Ha ... if weather dries the washing I will be happy xx