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Wanda Vision finale

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Hey everyone, 


Now that Wanda Vision has concluded it's 9 episode run over on Disney+ and everyone has had the weekend to watch it I thought it was safe to post a topic about the show in general. I'll make sure to include a spoiler tag for any talk of the final few eps and what they could mean for the future of the MCU. 


I'm a big fan of the MCU and thoroughly enjoyed all of the movies and even the non MCU Netflix shows. for me in Wanda Vision was great to see the larger MCU being referenced a lot more in a show and they really did a great job with the overall story and dealing with Wanda's grief following the events of the movies. 


The show was well produced and I loved the way they represented the different decades of TV whist adding the little Marvel twist to things with things slowly escalating as the show goes on. 


OK spoiler warning for those who haven't seen the show...  


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I've seen some comments online where people were a bit disappointed with the ending as they were expecting a big bad guy reveal who Agatha Harkness was working with. For me I think Kathryn Hahn was amazing as the main villain and it certainly didn't need the introduction of any further bad guys to make the ending satisfying. 


Loved the proper scarlet witch costume! They did a great job of staying true to the comic version but toning it down for the MCU. 


It was perfect that the big battle between the 2 versions of Vision was settled with a philosophical debate! Very true to the character and it had be chuckling.


The 2 post credit scenes were good and setup the next Captain Marvel and Dr Strange movies.


I would have enjoyed a brief cameo from Dr Srange at some point but they had a lot to cram in so I see why they didn't go for it. 


Overall I really loved the show and it has me super hyped for all the up-coming Disney+ Marvel content that's scheduled for this year. 


Let me know your thoughts on the show below and don't forget spoiler tags for any juicy plot details. 

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Message 1 of 18

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yep, all watched. very good. liked some of the nods/hat tips. interested to see how some of it evolves...
now on Mandalorian S2!

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Nice @MI5 let us know once you're done! 


Glad you enjoyed it @gmarkj! You'll love Mandalorian S2. It's a great show yahoo

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Message 12 of 18

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Yes am working my way through them now.
Am part way through ep6 (chapter 14).

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Nice @gmarkj, Not far to go then! 

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Even by my standards, I utterly binged this one over 2 nights! Totally enjoyed the tribute to the old-fashioned and newer sit-com shows and the mannerisms, acting and filming format especially the adverts deserve an extra special mention if not awards. 


Spoilers alert then on my thoughts:



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Kind of let down by the big fight scenes in the last episodes. Up to then the storyline really didn't lead up to that and in my opinion didn't need it as its killed any option of a second series where they could have explored the manipulative Agnes/Agatha a bit more. Like how did she get to be in the town? But hey its Marvel so obligatory overblown fight scene is required. Also what is it with Disney and Witches? 


Though saying that, a second series needs to be as outlandish as this one or go darker as the end credit scene suggested with less MCU references to let it stand alone on its own merits (not read the comics so no idea what the path is). A tough act to follow and if there isn't a second series, I won't be disappointed in being disappointed. 


Then again, do I really want to see a super powered Maria Rambo in a series or film not unlike the dull  Captain Marvel? Give me a decent Silver Surfer series like the oh-so-short animation series and I'll be happy. 



Also, done The Mandalorian S2 so won't spoil it. Make sure you watch the end credits on the last episode though nerd





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@sheepdog I'll pop my reply in a spoiler tag so we I can talk about the ending. wink


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I do agree the big fight at the ending was a bit out of character for what most of the show was but as you said it's Marvel so it was kind of expected. 

They have left the door open for Agatha to return so I'm hoping to see more of her in the future as she was brilliant! I believe in the comics she's a neutral character and actually helps Wanda learn how to use her powers so it will be interesting to see if they touch on that at a later time. 

If they do go for a second season the darker the better for me although I did read it was intended as a one season show only then then again money talks!


On a separate note falcon and Winter Soldier starts this week so I'll be doing a new thread for that! 

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Caught up now and onto Falcon and Winter Soldier.
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Still binge watching Drive to Survive so will make a note of Falcon and Winter Soldier.

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