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‌📷‌‌Travel photography - Sharing whilst travelling ‌🌄‌

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Hello everyone!


Recently I had the opportunity to visit some friends in Portugal and it was such a blast as I hadn’t been out of the country for a few years now. As a photography enthusiast, I always love to take pictures whilst strolling around the places I visit.


Half of my family is Portuguese and many of them lived or visited Portugal many times and those who are not living there at the moment are missing their homeland a lot, so I took the opportunity to share with them what I was doing and places I was visiting while I was there. It turned out that not only they were very happy for me and enjoyed the photos I was sending them, but I also benefited from this as they were giving me tips on where should I go for a tasty cooked codfish with potatoes or interesting viewpoints of the beautiful city of Porto based on the photos I was sharing.


I was so pleased that my roaming data connection was working fine as it gave me the opportunity to experience the place I was visiting in a different way and making some members of my family happy to see how things were over there.


For instance, I shared this picture with my mom and she said she had had some delicious roasted sweet chestnuts nearby so I looked around for it and was so pleased I did (they were delicious indeed! 🤤). 




Have you ever had this kind of experience whilst travelling? Do you have anyone who you like to share your travel’s pictures with when you’re still on your trip?

I’d love to see some pictures that you took when on a trip, even better if they come with tips about the place you've visited slight_smile

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Hi @RafaC 

Lovely picture and story about it.

Once we bought the apartment in Spain, I loved nothing more than sharing sunny pictures with everyone who was stuck in the UK bearing up with temperatures of 5-10 c, whilst I basked in 25C plus 😂


I know it sounds selfish but it was all good fun really. If anyone searched this forum they would find many screenshots of my home screen on my phone showing time date and temperature. Usually taken in Oct/Nov or February.

I also have many photos taken in Florida, although these were with a camera not a phone.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
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Hi @RafaC 

Thanks for the holiday story. I  have been to Portugal.  Lovely holiday.  I liked the crashing waves from the Atlantic along the golden sands. 

My far Eastern adventure was very interesting whilst  searching for a pretty string of pearls,  a very worried looking fellow traveller found that she had made a ginormous error with her conversion from $ to £'s at the jewellery store🤪 so everyone panick as she broke the bank!  

Sorted out later hearts all running smoothly again.

I liked sending postcards as I enjoyed the best part of a year a while ago now, travelling all around England. Just some of the places,  The Norfolk broads gorgeous, Walton on the Naze lovely, Beer great, Oxford, Constable country  Suffolk.  So many fabulous places.☺

Postcards all enjoyed. 


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Pleased you liked the picture and the story about it @Cleoriff slight_smile

hahahaha I bet those people with whom you shared those pics with were turning green every time you did!

@TallTrees so nice that you’ve been to Portugal too! There are many stunning beaches there for sure, it’s a shame that the water temperature is so low, most times even colder than in the UK!
I love to swim in the sea and didn’t get to do it there, couldn’t bear it 🤣


Had a laugh reading about the mess with the dollar to pound conversion 😂


Postcards are lovely indeed, it’s always nice when you get one of those from a dear friend.

Thanks for the tips regarding the UK places, I’m very keen on travelling around here. I’ve been to Oxford too and I love it! 

I’ve been to Scotland a couple of times as well and it’s one of my favourite places ever. Edinburgh is stunning!



I’ve also visited to a few places on the Highlands and my mouth hang opened for most part of the journey. So so beautiful 🏔



Thank you both for sharing your anecdotes, loved to read them.

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Loved reading all your stories. @RafaC, those photos are unbelievable 😁.

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Cheers @lewys-gp 😊

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