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Level 47: Going Places
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Welcome to the THURSDAY QUIZ for 9 MAY 2019


The subject for this week`s Thursday Quiz is MUSIC - not The Beatles!.


There are three questions:


Q1. What musical instrument did Emperor Nero play while Rome burned in 64AD?


Q2. Which language is the Spanish National Anthem sung in?


Q3. Where were bagpipes invented?



No googling, wiki, social media, website seaches for the answers.


Please answer all three questions in the same post as - Q1 = [answer]; Q2 = [answer]; Q3 = [answer].

If you do not know the answer to any question, please say Q? = [don`t know]


Everyone is welcome to enter.

This Thursday Quiz is opens at 10pm tonight [Wed] when you may submit your first set of answers and this Thursday Quiz will remain open until 12 noon on Friday 10 May 2019


You may submit two separate posts, each with a set of answers, during the time of this Thursday Quiz,

but you cannot submit your second post until at least one other member has posted their first set of answers.

You may submit one post with one, two, or three answers as given by another member but must credit the member - e.g. "I agree with.... answer to Q2 is ..... "

The results and answers will be given after 1pm on Friday 10 May 2019.

Incorrect answers will receive the * klaxon * .  Correct answers will be awarded trophy

A correct interesting fact could earn a credit. Amusing replies to any question are welcomed sweat smile


Good luck


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 1 of 51

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Q1 - Nero "fiddled" whilst Rome burned (Violin) is the popular saying although it is believed he may have actually played a Lyre as Violin's didn't exist then. That is, if he actually played any instrument at all at that time. The saying is legend and myth!
Q2 - none as there are no words to it.

The National anthems of San Marino, Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina also don't have lyrics.
Q3 - As with many things we still have around us today, Egypt.

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Message 2 of 51

Level 43: Bright Spark
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Q1. A stringed instrument of some description, though not a fiddle.


Q2. The Spanish National Anthem has no lyrics, so no language.


Q3. Somewhere in the Middle East, possibly Egypt and brought to Scotland by Roman legionnaires.

Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 3 of 51

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Q1 = No evidence that Nero played any instrument while Rome was burning. The fiddle didn't exist in ancient Rome at the time


Q2 = The Spanish National Anthem (Marcha Real) has NO official lyrics


Q3 = Bagpipes invented in Egypt.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 4 of 51

Level 77: Grand Master
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Q1. The wind-up gramophone, how else would he get to play "when I'm 64AD"...? 


Q2. Esperanto


Q3. In the room at the foot of Sir Walter Raleigh's garden:



Message 5 of 51

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I agree with t'others except

1. Contra to popular belief, he was in fact playing the five finger flute

Message 6 of 51

Level 47: Going Places
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@MI5- Q1 correct trophy + credit [for "if he played instrument"]; Q2 correct trophy; Q3 * klaxon *


@Glory1Q1 * klaxon * but credit [for knowing not fiddle, but, allegedly string instrument]; Q2 correct trophy; Q3 * klaxon* but credit [for knowing brought to Scotland by Romans]


@CleoriffQ1 correct trophy + credit [for knowing not a fiddle, as it had not been invented at that time]; Q2 correct trophy + credit [for knowing Spanish National Anthem is Marcha Real]; Q3 * klaxon*


@jonsieQ1 [agreeing with others] correct trophy; Q2 [agreeing with others] correct trophy Q3 [agreeing with others] * klaxon*  plus for giving a laugh with additional answer Q1 "five finger flute" special award sweat_smile


@pgnQ1 * klaxon *; Q2 * klaxon *; Q3 * klaxon *; but for giving a laugh with answers, special awards - Q1 sweat_smile; Q3 sweat_smile


The winner of this week`s Thursday Quiz is @Cleoriff  with trophy trophy + credit; + credit.


A1 Nero did not play a fiddle [not invented until 11th centry]; no evidence he played cithara [4-7string instrument]. Tacitus wrote Nero sang while Rome burned.


A2 There are no words to the Spanish National Anthem, known as Marcha Real.


A3 Bagpipes did not originate in Egypt. According to a History magazine website, Egyptians in 400BC reported "pipes of Thebes", with pipes of dog skin played with chanters of bone.

The International Bagpipe Conference website reports that Dr Vivien Williams informed the conference in 2016 that bagpipes originated in India 3000 years ago, spread to Europe, and arrived in Britain with the Roman invasion in 43AD, but there is no evidence of bagpipes in Scotland until 15th century.


Next week`s Thrsday Quiz [16 May] will be three random questions.

One will be a question about a picture; one will be a history question; one will be about an invention.

Everyone has a chance. All members are welcome to take part, so whether you have taken part in the Thursday Quiz before, a long-time member of the Community but have never joined in; or you are a new member, please come and have a go.

The questions will be posted on a separate thread on Wed 15 May at about 10pm, when the Quiz will open and stay open until Friday at 12 noon, to give everyone a chance to post their answers.


Look forward to seeing everyone soon.

Any questions in the meantime, please ask on here and I`ll reply.


Thank you everyone who took part this week.


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 7 of 51

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Congratulations @Cleoriff on winning the Thursday Quiz particularly for knowing the name of the Spanish national anthem. I knew it had no words but no idea what it was called Hero

Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 8 of 51

Level 77: Grand Master
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Thanks, @Mi-Amigo - 2 😅s are good enough for me. 🤣

The five-finger flute was a good answer too, @jonsie 👌

Well done to those who got the correct answers and the top-scorers @Cleoriff @ 👍

Message 9 of 51

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@Glory1  As I had an apartment in Spain for nearly 40 years, it would have been pretty poor had I not known the name of the National Anthem Fear


@pgn  Thanks....though your answers made me laugh LOL

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 10 of 51