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Level 47: Going Places
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Welcome to the THURSDAY QUIZ for 30 May 2019.


As promised, there are three questions:


Q1 Who was the outlaw who robbed the rich and gave to the poor?


Q2 Which highwayman rode a horse from outside London to York to escape?


Q3 What did pirates do to the sailors on board the ships they took over?


The THURSDAY QUIZ is open to everyone.


The rules:


No googling, wiki, social media, website searches for the answers.


Please answer all three questions in the same post as - Q1 = [answer]; Q2 = [answer]; Q3 = [answer].

If you do not know the answer to any question, please say Q? = [don`t know].

You may submit a second set of answers, but only after another member has posted their first answers.

You may submit the same answer or answers as another player, but most state, "I agree with xxxx, and my answer to Q... is..."


The Thursday Quiz will open at 9pm tonight [Wed 29 May] when you may submit your first set of answers and this Thursday Quiz will remain open until 12 noon Friday 31 May.

Answers will be given after 1pm on Friday 31 May.


Incorrect answers will be given the * klaxon *; correct answers will be awarded trophy; with credit for interesting facts.

The most amusing answer[s] will be awarded a special sweat smile award


Good luck.


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 1 of 66

Level 56: Guvnor
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Lol. I'm sure cleoriff is gonna be loving that haha
Message 41 of 66

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@viridis wrote:
Lol. I'm sure cleoriff is gonna be loving that haha

Not much. I gave the answers and people follow my answers...then give a bit more bum fluff and win....

Seems fair...rofl

How does that work? Confused

(says Cleo chucking her toys out of the pram...) lolol

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 42 of 66

Level 56: Guvnor
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Same as cleoriff ^^

Message 43 of 66

Level 56: Guvnor
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The answer to number 1 tho..
I bet its "no one"
Message 44 of 66

Level 94: Supreme
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Lol, priceless slight_smile
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Message 45 of 66

Level 47: Going Places
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Answers to Thursday Quiz 30 May 2019:


A1 - Robin Hood is incorrect. No early ballad mentions robbing the rich to give to the poor. The first vague reference was in John Stow`s "Annales of England" c1592. Robert de Kyme is also incorrect, which dates from 1746 when William Stukeley wrote of Robert Fitzooth as the Earl of Huntington, forged a family tree and created a fictious Fitzook family with Robert as the Lord of Kime.

The correct answer, for which there is historiacl evidence, is James Hind, who, in a declaration published by George Fidge in 1652, admitted to robbing Royalists on the streets of Cromwell`s England and giving the money to the poor. Hind was betrayed and hanged in Worcester in 1652.


A2 - Dick Turpin is incorrect. Dick Turpin`s ride to York was first mentioned in a fictious account in the novel "Rookwood" published in 1834.

The correct answer is John Nevison, a highwayman who was imprisoned for these deeds at Gad`s Hill, Kent in 1676. He escaped, crossed the River Thames on horseback, and rode to York. This inspired William Ainsworth to attribute it to Dick Turpin in his novel "Rookwood".


A3 - Pirates making sailors walk the plank is incorrect. Although George Wood claimed, in 1769, that he had forced officers to walk the plank, there is no account to substantiate it; other accounts date from well after the pirate era, including Weekly Reigester in 1822. Walking the plank featured in novels - Robert Louis Steveson`s "Treasure Island" in 1884 and J M Barries` "Peter Pan" in 1911.

The correct answers are made to serve with crew, sold as slaves, marooned, and, on rare occasions, thrown over the side of the ship - but not walking the plank. 


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 46 of 66

Level 47: Going Places
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To be fair, the credit system is not just to build on others` answers but means that if someone who may give a wrong answer can still be rewarded for providing extra information - as @jonsie did this time.

That said, the actual points scored were very close...

Let`s see how you all get on next Thursday with three questions on the Olympics.


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 47 of 66

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@Mi-Amigo wrote:

To be fair, the credit system is not just to build on others` answers but means that if someone who may give a wrong answer can still be rewarded for providing extra information - as @jonsie did this time.

That said, the actual points scored were very close...

Let`s see how you all get on next Thursday with three questions on the Olympics.

Though they do build on other answers @Mi-Amigo 

I'm not saying this because I lost the challenge as I have lost before...but it is easy to follow on from what others say and add a bit more. 


I might suggest you ask people to PM you the answers in future Thursday quizzes? Just a thought.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 48 of 66

Level 47: Going Places
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@Cleoriff wrote:

Though they do build on other answers @Mi-Amigo 

I'm not saying this because I lost the challenge as I have lost before...but it is easy to follow on from what others say and add a bit more. 


I might suggest you ask people to PM you the answers in future Thursday quizzes? Just a thought

I can see the points you are making @Cleoriff , and will reply to each.

Agreeing with another poster: I do not see anything wrong in this. No-one loses or has an advantage, which can mean, and has meant, that more than one player can win with the same number of points.

Additional information and credits: My intention, when this was introduced, was two-fold. Firstly, to encourage players to share anything they might know about the subject and to be rewarded for this.

Secondly, it means that a player who might not know [and post "don`t know in answer to the actual question], or submit a wrong answer, might have information about the subject. This has been seen in more than one Thursday Quiz.


Pming answers: I`m sorry but I have to disagree with the suggestion. Although there might well be a case for this, with the Thursday Quiz this would create a lot more work - replying to questions raised in the pms, me having to copy and post each and every question from each and every player`s answer sent to me in a pm on the thread and to then give my decisions.


I want the Thursday Quiz to be, and which I think has been up until now, fun, which is the reason why I brought in the smilie award for the most humourous answers and have kept the rules to a minimum.


However, as I have said previously, any quiz or Challenge which I set up and run is not done for me, but for the members. I take all comments seriously and appreciate the feedback. That said, I will go along with the majority decision as to whether or not the Thursday Quiz should remain as it is, or there should be changes, including, as suggested, for answers to be pmd to me.


In the meantime, I will consider alternative ways of running the Thursday Quiz which will be fair to all.


Thanks you for your comments.




Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 49 of 66

Level 94: Supreme
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It’s fine as it is. No need to change anything.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 50 of 66