10-03-2019 11:10 - edited 10-03-2019 11:45
10-03-2019 11:10 - edited 10-03-2019 11:45
Between October 1962 and May 1970, The Beatles released 24 singles, 13 EPs, 13 Albums, with a total of 293 tracks.
To find the names of the people mentioned in the lyrics of the officially released records.
- not every song mentions a name in the lyrics.
- you have to find actual names - some first names, some surnames, some both - in the song lyrics
- lyrics may include a title or rank [e.g. if Miss Bloggs was in the lyrics, it would be included
- lyrics with only "a" or "the" not included [e.g. if "the Carpenter" was in lyrics, it would be excluded]
- some names are included in more than one song [not record]; you have to find all [in separate post]
- some songs include more than one name in lyrics; you have to find all the names [in separate post]
- no googling/wiki/social media/playing song on iphone, smart phone, CD, record player
- all entries must be submitted as follows:
[name of person] in lyrics on [name of song] - [e.g. Mrs Bloggs on song Bloggs & Son]
- only one entry (guess) - [name of person] per post; only one post per person per day
- some names appear in lyrics of more than one song [not record], each to be given on separate post
- some lyrics contain more than one name, each name with title of song [not record] on separate post
- the words of the track Revolution #9 [on "The Beatles" ("White") album] are excluded
- only lyrics of songs on studio recordings officially released between Oct 1962 and May 1970 included
no "live" records, "BBC sessions", or bootleg/unreleased versions
There are 71 answers to find. All answers have been checked against lyrics on official song sheets.
Results - with correct [or incorrect] answers - will be posted each day after posts
Any questions or clarification, please post or pm me.
Good luck.
on 29-03-2019 00:56
on 29-03-2019 00:56
I have to admit to also being stumped, but I have one last one which may be acceptable for reasons stated by @Mi-Amigo
Messrs. K and H in the song Being For The Benefit Of Mr Kite
As an aside, I did take the liberty of looking at the lyrics for Mean Mr Mustard, after @Mi-Amigo rejected my submission. On some lyrics sites, The Queen is in capital letters in that song, but obviously that wasn't the lyrics site that was being used.
on 29-03-2019 01:12
on 29-03-2019 01:12
Well, the only one I can come up with is Mr Moonlight in the song Mr Moonlight. It's in initial caps but I don't know if you can call 'him' a person. I'm really stumped too.
29-03-2019 08:23 - edited 29-03-2019 09:09
29-03-2019 08:23 - edited 29-03-2019 09:09
@Bambino wrote:I have to admit to also being stumped, but I have one last one which may be acceptable for reasons stated by @Mi-Amigo
Messrs. K and H in the song Being For The Benefit Of Mr Kite
As an aside, I did take the liberty of looking at the lyrics for Mean Mr Mustard, after @Mi-Amigo rejected my submission. On some lyrics sites, The Queen is in capital letters in that song, but obviously that wasn't the lyrics site that was being used.
Hi @Bambino
Mr K and Mr H were previously submitted as two separate names, which I allowed, so you may have another go with an answer for today Friday.
As to the queen in Mean Mr Mustard, I`m sorry I couldn`t accept it, because as you said, it wasn`t in the capitals in the lyrics I used. It has been difficult in deciding which can be allowed and have tried, as much as possible, to be fair and apologise if any decision to anyone seems to have been harsh.
on 29-03-2019 17:00
on 29-03-2019 17:00
29-03-2019 18:12 - edited 29-03-2019 18:16
29-03-2019 18:12 - edited 29-03-2019 18:16
29-03-2019 23:13 - edited 29-03-2019 23:36
29-03-2019 23:13 - edited 29-03-2019 23:36
RESULTS for names submitted Fri 29 March 2019
GEORGIA BROWN in Sweet Georgia Brown - @Cleoriff = Accepted. This was the one in the clues which said it was accepted for the same reason one recently found and referred to My Bonnie. Polydor released Sweet Georgia Brown with the Beatles backing Tony Sheriden to cash-in on The Beatles success in 1964.
MR MOONLIGHT in Mr Moonlight - @Glory1 = Accepted. This was the one in the clues which said it was the one in which the name is also the title of the song and is accepted for the same reason others with Mr abd capital letter for name were accepted.
MESSRS K and H in Being For The Benfit Of Mr Kite - @Bambino = Accepted. @Bambino is correct that Messrs K and H also appear as separate lyrics to Mr K and Mr H in the song and therefore is accepted, as one of those not on my list - and also was not one of those suggested by the clues.
MARIE in Memphis Tennessee - @pgn = sorry, this was another of the live recordings on the BBC sessions so unfortunately I can`t accept it.
This leaves just two names to find.
I realise that the last few names have been difficult to find and thank you all for sticking with it to try and find them.
This is your Challenge and I think that it should be your decision, as it was with the Picture Challenge, whether to keep this Challenge open or to close it tomorrow [Sat] night. I will abide my the majority decision.
If the majority opt for closing this Challenge I will post the missing answers tomorrow [Sat] evening.
Thank each and every one of you who has taken part and hope that you have enjoyed it.
If you decide to close this Challenge on Sat and it is agreed by you, then I will put up the next, and slightly different Beatles Challenge, on Sunday daytime.
If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask.
on 30-03-2019 00:11
on 30-03-2019 00:11
on 30-03-2019 00:12
on 30-03-2019 00:12
If there are two answers left to find.... then I am out.
If anyone has got those two names then they should post them. (In fairness I think the only one who has a 'cat in hells chance' of getting them is @Bambino)
If you plan on posting a new Beatles quiz on Sunday, then this one should be closed tomorrow.
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 30-03-2019 00:16
on 30-03-2019 00:16
That's me out as well. Mr. Moonlight was a last ditch effort that I honestly didn't expect to be accepted. And I really can't think of another Beatle track. To quote, I think it was @pgn, I'm Beatled-out!
on 30-03-2019 00:22
on 30-03-2019 00:22
A fair point. If anyone has both of the missing names, then please submit them.
In fairness, although you have already submitted a name, if you have either or both of the missing names then you can post them today [Sat].
I will only put up the new Challenge on Sun if it is agreed to close this one on Sat. If it is agreed to keep this one open, then the new one will be delayed until this one is ended. (So there are not two running at the same time).