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Song Lyrics Challenge

Level 47: Going Places
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Between October 1962 and May 1970, The Beatles released 24 singles, 13 EPs, 13 Albums, with a total of 293 tracks.

                                                               THE SONG LYRICS CHALLENGE

To find the names of the people mentioned in the lyrics of the officially released records.



- not every song mentions a name in the lyrics.

- you have to find actual names - some first names, some surnames, some both - in the song lyrics

- lyrics may include a title or rank [e.g. if Miss Bloggs was in the lyrics, it would be included

- lyrics with only "a" or "the" not included [e.g. if "the Carpenter" was in lyrics, it would be excluded]

- some names are included in more than one song [not record]; you have to find all [in separate post]

- some songs include more than one name in lyrics; you have to find all the names [in separate post]



- no googling/wiki/social media/playing song on iphone, smart phone, CD, record player

- all entries must be submitted as follows:

   [name of person] in lyrics on [name of song] - [e.g. Mrs Bloggs on song Bloggs & Son]

- only one entry (guess) - [name of person] per post; only one post per person per day

- some names appear in lyrics of more than one song [not record], each to be given on separate post

- some lyrics  contain more than one name, each name with title of song [not record] on separate post

- the words of the track Revolution #9 [on "The Beatles" ("White") album] are excluded

- only lyrics of songs on studio recordings officially released between Oct 1962 and May 1970 included

    no "live" records, "BBC sessions", or bootleg/unreleased versions


There are 71 answers to find. All answers have been checked against lyrics on official song sheets.


Results - with correct [or incorrect] answers - will be posted each day after posts


Any questions or clarification, please post or pm me.

Good luck.


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 1 of 374
373 REPLIES 373

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Thank you @Cleoriff  and @Glory1  and I understand why you feel "Beatled" out.

I hope that you have enjoyed this Challenge and hope you will join in the new one when it is up slight_smile


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 351 of 374

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@Mi-Amigo  Okay. The other name is also in the same song as I posted earlier. It's John in the song Long Tall Sally  (Actually it's Aunt Mary and Uncle John, but aunt and uncle are generic terms so I don't know if they should be included?


I am in agreement to closing this one on Saturday (today), and beginning a new one Sunday, if everyone else is. 


Message 352 of 374

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Yes @Mi-Amigo I definitely enjoyed this challenge. It taxed my brain a bit, after the easy answers were found but I like that it made me think. It's amazing what you can remember when you try. I loved Mr Moonlight and it's a track I don't actually have on my phone. So must find and download it.


Will definitely join in the next challenge if I am able to find some of the solutions, that is wink

Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 353 of 374

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Well please you enjoyed the Challenge. For me, it was when names not my list were found and made me rethink about the songs and then dug them out to play again.

As for Mr Moonlight, its a track on The Beatles UK album Beatles For Sale, so you should be able to find it and download.


It looks like the agreement is launch the new Challenge on Sunday and there will be a mix of fairly easy and more difficult answers to find. I don`t want to spoil the surprise as to what is will be, but will say that it should be fun, with a few "What?" moments wink



Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 354 of 374

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Before closing the Song Lyrics Challenge and announce the two missing names, I will give my decision on the two names - Mary and John in Long Tall Sally - submitted by @Bambino and fully accept his reason. Again, these are two more not on my list, which brings the total to 101 names in Beatles songs.


The two missing names?

DANNY BOY in One After 909 - the "throw away" name in the clue and at the very end of the song.


MUDDY WATERS in Come Together - the one with a capital letter in the clues. Why I said it might cause debate is because some lyrics show it without capitals - but as Ono is shown in some with a capital and in others without and this was accepted, then Muddy Waters is acceptable; and also because he is a real person - a blues muscian whom John admired.


It has been a huge pleasure to run this Challenge and hope that my decisions have not been too harsh, and recognise that some names accepted or rejected are debateable.


The new one should be up on Sunday morning.


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 355 of 374

Level 94: Supreme
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Brilliant brain testing challenge @Mi-Amigo 

We have all learnt something (including you, as you now have 101 names cool)


I look forward to the next one. Off to get my brain into gear rofl

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 356 of 374

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You're not going to believe this @Mi-Amigo but I had Danny Boy on my list but decided not to put it forward. I thought because it was the first 3 words of the song Danny Boy and not actually part of One After 909, a throw awsy line just like you said, it wouldn't be accepted. How stupid was I, particularly after you're giving the clue?!


Anyway, looking forward to the next challenge on Sunday smiling

Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 357 of 374

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Thank you for a great quiz, @Mi-Amigo - your patience, like that of a Saint, in sorting and responding to the answers offered, and the cross-questioning that sometimes ensued, has been astounding.

Roll on the next one, whatever that is tongue_winking
Message 358 of 374

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@Cleoriff wrote:

Brilliant brain testing challenge @Mi-Amigo 

We have all learnt something (including you, as you now have 101 names cool)


I look forward to the next one. Off to get my brain into gear rofl

You are so right @Cleoriff . There were times when names were submitted and I checked and said to myself "how dumb was I to have missed that?". Partly in jest, I said during the Challenge that you guys could push the list to 100. You not only exceeded that but have found more than on a Beatles fan website, which includes BBC recordings not allowed in this Challenge. Of that, you should all be truly proud.


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 359 of 374

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@Glory1 wrote:

You're not going to believe this @Mi-Amigo but I had Danny Boy on my list but decided not to put it forward. I thought because it was the first 3 words of the song Danny Boy and not actually part of One After 909, a throw awsy line just like you said, it wouldn't be accepted. How stupid was I, particularly after you're giving the clue?!


Anyway, looking forward to the next challenge on Sunday smiling

Not stupid at all @Glory1 . This was one of the more difficult ones and after all you did find what I considered to be the hardest one - Edmund.


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 360 of 374