10-03-2019 11:10 - edited 10-03-2019 11:45
10-03-2019 11:10 - edited 10-03-2019 11:45
Between October 1962 and May 1970, The Beatles released 24 singles, 13 EPs, 13 Albums, with a total of 293 tracks.
To find the names of the people mentioned in the lyrics of the officially released records.
- not every song mentions a name in the lyrics.
- you have to find actual names - some first names, some surnames, some both - in the song lyrics
- lyrics may include a title or rank [e.g. if Miss Bloggs was in the lyrics, it would be included
- lyrics with only "a" or "the" not included [e.g. if "the Carpenter" was in lyrics, it would be excluded]
- some names are included in more than one song [not record]; you have to find all [in separate post]
- some songs include more than one name in lyrics; you have to find all the names [in separate post]
- no googling/wiki/social media/playing song on iphone, smart phone, CD, record player
- all entries must be submitted as follows:
[name of person] in lyrics on [name of song] - [e.g. Mrs Bloggs on song Bloggs & Son]
- only one entry (guess) - [name of person] per post; only one post per person per day
- some names appear in lyrics of more than one song [not record], each to be given on separate post
- some lyrics contain more than one name, each name with title of song [not record] on separate post
- the words of the track Revolution #9 [on "The Beatles" ("White") album] are excluded
- only lyrics of songs on studio recordings officially released between Oct 1962 and May 1970 included
no "live" records, "BBC sessions", or bootleg/unreleased versions
There are 71 answers to find. All answers have been checked against lyrics on official song sheets.
Results - with correct [or incorrect] answers - will be posted each day after posts
Any questions or clarification, please post or pm me.
Good luck.
on 10-03-2019 11:15
10-03-2019 11:21 - edited 10-03-2019 11:43
10-03-2019 11:21 - edited 10-03-2019 11:43
Lucy in the sky with Diamonds (On song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds)
(Edited to add song)
Veritas Numquam Perit
10-03-2019 11:33 - edited 10-03-2019 12:12
10-03-2019 11:33 - edited 10-03-2019 12:12
Lady Madonna, on song Lady Madonna
Edited to add song
on 10-03-2019 12:15
on 10-03-2019 12:25
on 10-03-2019 12:25
Mr Kite - Being for the Benifit of Mr Kite
on 10-03-2019 14:32
on 10-03-2019 14:32
on 10-03-2019 17:55
Taxman, Mr Wilson, taxman, Mr - only allowed one name a day baggsie this song for tomorrow as well
on 10-03-2019 20:26
on 10-03-2019 20:26
on 10-03-2019 20:31
on 10-03-2019 20:31
From "Taxman" - Revolver. George Harrison wrote it as I remember