10-03-2019 11:10 - edited 10-03-2019 11:45
10-03-2019 11:10 - edited 10-03-2019 11:45
Between October 1962 and May 1970, The Beatles released 24 singles, 13 EPs, 13 Albums, with a total of 293 tracks.
To find the names of the people mentioned in the lyrics of the officially released records.
- not every song mentions a name in the lyrics.
- you have to find actual names - some first names, some surnames, some both - in the song lyrics
- lyrics may include a title or rank [e.g. if Miss Bloggs was in the lyrics, it would be included
- lyrics with only "a" or "the" not included [e.g. if "the Carpenter" was in lyrics, it would be excluded]
- some names are included in more than one song [not record]; you have to find all [in separate post]
- some songs include more than one name in lyrics; you have to find all the names [in separate post]
- no googling/wiki/social media/playing song on iphone, smart phone, CD, record player
- all entries must be submitted as follows:
[name of person] in lyrics on [name of song] - [e.g. Mrs Bloggs on song Bloggs & Son]
- only one entry (guess) - [name of person] per post; only one post per person per day
- some names appear in lyrics of more than one song [not record], each to be given on separate post
- some lyrics contain more than one name, each name with title of song [not record] on separate post
- the words of the track Revolution #9 [on "The Beatles" ("White") album] are excluded
- only lyrics of songs on studio recordings officially released between Oct 1962 and May 1970 included
no "live" records, "BBC sessions", or bootleg/unreleased versions
There are 71 answers to find. All answers have been checked against lyrics on official song sheets.
Results - with correct [or incorrect] answers - will be posted each day after posts
Any questions or clarification, please post or pm me.
Good luck.
on 27-03-2019 00:21
on 27-03-2019 00:21
@Cleoriff wrote:A bit late now @Mi-Amigo but wondering if you could type the list into Word, save it and then add the new ones? (then copy the new list and paste into the forum posting box)
The authentication fails message comes up when you are typing a lengthy post....
Thanks @Cleoriff
If it would help, I`ll split the list into two parts - A to M and N to Z
Should be up within half an hour if it does not fail.
on 27-03-2019 00:22
on 27-03-2019 00:22
on 27-03-2019 01:11
on 27-03-2019 01:11
NAMES - A to M - FOUND up to Tues 27 March
ANNA in Anna (Go To Him) - @MI5 .
AUNT MARY in Long Tall Sally - @Glory1 .
B B KING in Dig It - @Cleoriff
BEETHOVEN in Roll Over Beethoven - @pgn
BILLY SHEARS in Sgt Pepper`s Lonely Hearts Club Band - @MusicIan
BUNGALOW BILL in Being For The Benefit Of Mr Kite - @pgn
CAPTAIN MARVEL in The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill - @pgn
CHAIRMAN MAO in Revolution - @MI5
CHARLES HAWTRY in Two Of Us - @Cleoriff
CHRIST in The Ballad Of John And Yoko - @Bambino .
CHUCK in When I`m 64 - @pgn
DAN in Rocky Raccoon - @Bambino
DANIEL in Rocky Raccoon - @MI5
DANNY in Rocky Raccoon - @MI5
DAVE in When I`m 64 - @pgn
DENNIS in You Know My Name (Look Up The Number) - @MI5
DENNIS O`BELL in You Know My Name (Look Up The Number) - @MusicIan .
DESMOND in Ob la di, Ob la da - @Cleoriff
DOCTOR ROBERT in Doctor Robert - @Glory1
DORIS in Two Of Us - @Bambino
DORIS DAY in Dig It - @Cleoriff
DUCHESS OF KIRKALDY in Cry Baby Cry - @Cleoriff
EDGAR ALLEN POE in I Am The Walrus - @Cleoriff
ELEANOR RIGBY in Eleanor Rigby - @MI5
ELMORE JAMES in For You, Blue - @Cleoriff
FATHER McKENZIE in Eleanor Rigby - @MI5
GEORGE HARRISON in Honey Don`t - @jonsie
GEORGIA in Back In The USSR - @Glory1
GEORGIE WOOD in Dig It - @jonsie
GIDEON in Rocky Raccoon - @jonsie
GURU DEVA in Across The Universe - @pgn
HER MAJESTY in Her Majesty - @Bambino
JO JO in Get Back - @Bambino
JOAN in Maxwell`s Silver Hammer - @MusicIan
JOHNNY in For You, Blue - @Bambino
JUDE in Hey Jude - @pgn
JULIA in Julia - @Glory1
JUNIOR in Bad Boy - @jonsie
LADY MADONNA in Glass Onion - @Bambino
LADY MADONNA in Lady Madonna - @Cleoriff
LEAR in Paperback Writer - @Cleoriff
LIL in Rocky Raccoon - @Bambino
LORETTA MARTIN in Get Back - @Bambino
LUCY in I Am The Walrus - @Glory1
LUCY in Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - @Cleoriff
MAGGIE MAY in Maggie May - @Glory1
MAGILL in Rocky Raccoon - @MI5
MARIGOLD in Cry Baby Cry - @Cleoriff
MARTHA in Martha, My Dear - @Glory1
MARY in Let It Be - @Bambino
MATT BUSBY in Dig It - @Cleoriff
MAX in Maxwell`s Silver Hammer - @Glory1
MAXWELL in Maxwell`s Silver Hammer - @Glory1
MAXWELL EDISON in Maxwell`s Silver Hammer - @Cleoriff
MICHELLE in Michelle - @Glory1
MISS LIZZY in Dizzy Miss Lizzy - @jonsie
MO [MAUREEN STARKEY] in Get Back - @jonsie
MOLLY JONES in Ob la di, Ob la da - @MI5
MR BOATSWAIN in Yellow Submarine - @pgn
MR CITY in I Am The Walrus - @pgn
MR HEATH in Taxman - @MusicIan
MR JONES in Yer Blues - @Cleoriff
MR KITE in Being For The Benefit Of Mr Kite - @jonsie
MR MUSTARD in Mean Mr Mustard - @pgn
MR POSTMAN in Please Mr Postman - @pgn
MR WILSON in Taxman - @MusicIan .
MY BONNY in My Bonny - @jonsie .
on 27-03-2019 01:12
on 27-03-2019 01:12
on 27-03-2019 02:20
on 27-03-2019 02:20
27-03-2019 02:38 - edited 27-03-2019 02:39
27-03-2019 02:38 - edited 27-03-2019 02:39
on 27-03-2019 08:56
on 27-03-2019 08:56
NAMES - N to Z - FOUND up to 26 March 2019
NANCY in Rocky Raccoon - @Bambino .
PABLO FANQUE in Being For The Benefit Of Mr Kite - @Bambino
PAM in Mean Mr Mustard - @Glory1
PAM in Polythene Pam - @pgn .
PAUL in Glass Onion - @Bambino
PC 31 in Maxwell`s Silver Hammer - @Cleoriff
PETER BROWN in The Ballad Of John And Yoko - @MusicIan
PRUDENCE in Dear Prudence - @Bambino
RINGO STARR in You Know My Name (Look Up The Number) - @jonsie .
RITA in Lovely Rita - @jonsie
ROCKY RACCOON in Rocky Raccoon - @Bambino
ROSE in Maxwell`s Silver Hammer - @MusicIan
SADIE in Sexy Sadie - @MI5
SALLY in Long Tall Sally - @pgn
SEMOLINA PILCHARD in I Am The Walrus - @jonsie
SGT PEPPER in Sgt Pepper`s Lonely Hearts Club Band - @MusicIan
SIR WALTER RALEIGH in I`m So Tired - @MusicIan
TCHIAKOWSKY in Roll Over Beethoven - @Bambino
THE DUKE in Cry Baby Cry - @Cleoriff
THE HENDERSONS in Being For The Benefit Of Mr Kite - @Bambino .
THE QUEEN in Penny Lane - @MI5
UNCLE JOHN in Long Tall Sally - @pgn .
VALERIE in Maxwell`s Silver Hammer - @MusicIan
VERA in When I`m 64 - @pgn .
YOKO [ONO] in Come Together - @jonsie .
on 27-03-2019 23:18
on 27-03-2019 23:18
RESULTS for names submitted Wed 27 March 2019.
Only four members submitted names - @pgn ; @Cleoriff ; @Bambino ; @Glory1
None of you gave a name on my list, but, in fairness, I have looked at each of the names submitted and have made a decision, which, I hope, will please all of you.
MR K in Being For The Benefit Of Mr Kite - @Bambino . Initially, I did not include it in my list because, although it has capital letters, it does not specify a name. But, given that derivitives of the same name has been allowed and I allowed PC 31, I have reversed my original decision and will allow it. So this is a name which is allowed and was missing from my list.
MR H in Being For The Benefit Of Mr Kite - @Glory1 . For the same reasons I gave about Mr K, I did not include this in my list. But, for the same reasons I have reversed by decision and will allow it. So, again, it is another name which is allowed and was missing from my list.
NOWHERE MAN in Nowhere Man - @Cleoriff . Initially I discounted this because, although it has capital letters, it is not a title or actual name. But, as John specified that it was semi-autobiographical [he was bored and the words came to him about himself] and I have allowed other similar names, I will reverse my decision and allow it. This is therefore another name not on my original list which is allowed.
CRABALOCKER FISHWIFE in I Am The Walrus - @pgn. This was not on my list. Although Crabalocker does have a capital C in the lyrics this is because it is the first word of the line, but fishwife does not, nor does the next mentioned person. As a concession, as only four of you have submitted answers and there are so few names to find, on this occassion only, I will not dismiss it [but cannot say it a name in the lyrics of the song].
The results mean that there are still four names to find on my list. Because of problems with posting the full list of names [and despite efforts using the method recommended by @Cleoriff - thanks for that], I would suggest you use the A-M and N-Z lists on page 33 and the names given above.
To help you in tracking down the last four name, I will give a couple hints.
Firstly, they are not in the song "I Am The Walrus".
Secondly, consider some of the answers which I have accepted previously and more particularly why.
Thirdly, one answer, I admit, is a "stinker" and when found or may lead to a little friendly banter.
Of course, if you submit a name not on my list, then I`ll carefully consider it before making a decision.
You may post your next answer - for Thursday 28 March 2019 - after midnight.
The regulars - @jonsie and @MI5 - who did not give answers today, can, of course submit answers for tomorrow - Thursday
Good luck everyone.
on 28-03-2019 00:08
on 28-03-2019 00:08
A real stab in the dark and probably my last go...
The Fool from the song The Fool On The Hill
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 28-03-2019 00:12
on 28-03-2019 00:12