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Song Lyrics Challenge

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Between October 1962 and May 1970, The Beatles released 24 singles, 13 EPs, 13 Albums, with a total of 293 tracks.

                                                               THE SONG LYRICS CHALLENGE

To find the names of the people mentioned in the lyrics of the officially released records.



- not every song mentions a name in the lyrics.

- you have to find actual names - some first names, some surnames, some both - in the song lyrics

- lyrics may include a title or rank [e.g. if Miss Bloggs was in the lyrics, it would be included

- lyrics with only "a" or "the" not included [e.g. if "the Carpenter" was in lyrics, it would be excluded]

- some names are included in more than one song [not record]; you have to find all [in separate post]

- some songs include more than one name in lyrics; you have to find all the names [in separate post]



- no googling/wiki/social media/playing song on iphone, smart phone, CD, record player

- all entries must be submitted as follows:

   [name of person] in lyrics on [name of song] - [e.g. Mrs Bloggs on song Bloggs & Son]

- only one entry (guess) - [name of person] per post; only one post per person per day

- some names appear in lyrics of more than one song [not record], each to be given on separate post

- some lyrics  contain more than one name, each name with title of song [not record] on separate post

- the words of the track Revolution #9 [on "The Beatles" ("White") album] are excluded

- only lyrics of songs on studio recordings officially released between Oct 1962 and May 1970 included

    no "live" records, "BBC sessions", or bootleg/unreleased versions


There are 71 answers to find. All answers have been checked against lyrics on official song sheets.


Results - with correct [or incorrect] answers - will be posted each day after posts


Any questions or clarification, please post or pm me.

Good luck.


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 1 of 374
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Her Majesty in the song Her Majesty


Message 311 of 374

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Early evening news, all you Challengers.

I am pleased to say that, between you, you have found 90 names in the lyrics of Beatles` songs - so far.

This is more than listed on a Beatles` fan website, which includes songs from BBC sessions and also names such as "the ...." which are not allowed in this Challenge.

I will announce the results for names found today around 10.30pm as it is now taking me considerably longer to explain and put together the list of found names.

There are still names to be found on my list and, with your knowledge and ability to find those not on my list, the total could well top 100 names in the lyrics in songs by The Beatles.

So get your thinking hats on, scratch the grey matter, and prepare to post your next submissions after midnight, and, who knows, the Challenge could well be completed by tomorrow [Wed] night.


Good luck all of you and be proud of what you have achieved so far.


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 312 of 374

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Well @Mi-Amigo I'm truly out. As said I only have one more which I know you won't accept. I bet when the remaining names are given, they'll be ones I should have thought of but I'm truly running on empty now.

Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 313 of 374

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@Glory1 wrote:

Well @Mi-Amigo I'm truly out. As said I only have one more which I know you won't accept. I bet when the remaining names are given, they'll be ones I should have thought of but I'm truly running on empty now.

@Glory1  if you still have one more, please check it against the rules and my decision on names, which might not have been thought acceptable. You never know, it could be one of the answers on my list or one I might have missed. And you have plenty of time to think and check before posting for tomorrow. Thank you, and everyone else, for taking part and hope you have/are all enjoying this Challenge and are looking forward to the new one.


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 314 of 374

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RESULTS for names submitted on Tues 26 March 2019:


Only four - @Cleoriff , @Bambino , @jonsie , and @Glory1 have submitted names - up to 10.35pm Tues.

If @pgn and @MI5 submit a name before midnight, I will consider it as a submission for today [Mon].


PC31 in Maxwell`s Silver Hammer - @Cleoriff = not on my list, but after careful consideration, because it denotes a specific person [rather than a general term "a policeman], then, at this stage of the Challenge, I will allow it as one of the "missed" names.

MAX in Maxwell`s Silver Hammer - @Glory1 = again, missed by me, but as variations on the same name have been previously allowed, then I will allow this too.

HER MAJESTY in Her Majesty - @Bambino = on my list and allowed, because name has capitals and it definitely refers to Queen Elizabeth II - as Paul McCarney performed the song live to her at a Jubilee.

MY BONNY in My Bonny - @jonsie = on my list and as @jonsie said was released with Tony Sheridan on vocals with The Beatles as backing band. The song was originally released in Germany and copies were imported to Britain. The story goes that Beatles fans who had seen the group in The Cavern requested copies of the import at Brian Epstein`s shop and he went to see The Beatles at The Cavern and the rest is history. But, the reason it is accepted as an answer is that Polydor released the record in the UK on 21 May 1963 to cash-in on the success of The Beatles. It was an official release and is within the time frame as specified for this Challenge.


From these results, it means there are now only four names left on my list.

I will shortly post the full list of names found so far, in alphabetical order, and you may submit your name for tomorrow [Wed] after midnight.

The Challenge is almost completed - can each of you find the four missing answers?


Good luck


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 315 of 374

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Crabalocker Fishwife in I am The Walrus.

Thanks for the 2nd chance, @Mi-Amigo! tongue_winking
Message 316 of 374

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Interesting fact about My Bonnie @Mi-Amigo

I had it on my 'list' but discounted it due to the fact the Beatles were a backing band with Tony Sheridan.

I thought it would be thrown out for that reason.

However, well done to @jonsie for risking it (and being correct)...wink

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 317 of 374

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Nowhere Man in the song Nowhere Man

(Submitted as the name is in capitals within the lyrics).

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 318 of 374

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Apologies guys for no list of found names tonight.

Having typed in all of them and clicking post, it came up with a message "authentication failed".

Please use the list for Monday and add the results for Tuesday. Sorry.


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 319 of 374

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A bit late now @Mi-Amigo  but wondering if you could type the list into Word, save it and then add the new ones? (then copy the new list and paste into the forum posting box)

Or in reverse...Copy your existing list from here into a Word document, then add new ones and paste here.


The authentication fail message comes up when you are typing a lengthy post and it times out

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 320 of 374