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Poll: What kind of books do you like to read most?

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Hi everyone, 


I hope you're having a good week so far, and enjoyed the first few days of this new month! Did you know that September was officially Read a Book Month? I know a lot of you read regularly, and thought this would be a great opportunity to celebrate our love for books together smiley


So here is a quick question for you, and I for one am really curious to see the responses to this and to find out more about your preferences:




You don't need to be registered or signed in to take part in the poll, but you'll need to register in order to participate in the discussion below.


Please feel free to elaborate on your response in the comments to let us know more about your favourite genres, books, and what you're reading at the moment or planning to read this month 📚


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Message 1 of 28

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Slightly difficult this one @EmilieT

There are two genres I like equally. It's dependent on my mood.

I am an avid reader and can easily finish a book in a day you see. So when you read a lot, there tends to be only so much of one genre you can take, so I like to switch to something lighter sun

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Girl in a jacket
Message 2 of 28

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I read loads books true life crime , autobiographies and stories about animals normally dogs slight_smile

Message 3 of 28

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I mostly read Sci-Fi, Horror and Fantasy books.
I signed up to a service called BookBub that emails you books that are on offer on Amazon or Google in the genres you specify or for particular authors.
On Prime day I also signed up to the offer of 3 months free Kindle Unlimited and have read quite a few of those as well.
I get through a lot of books on my Kindle and the app...

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Message 4 of 28

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I like psychological thrillers, some horror and the occasional romance.(Not Barbara Cartland style)

One of my favourites is the 'In Death' series written by JD Robb.(Nora Roberts) Set in the future, its a story about a female cop who is in charge of Homicide in NYPD. Always a great read.

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Girl in a jacket
Message 5 of 28

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@Cleoriff I completely get the need to switch between genres - not reading-related but I've been watching a lot of true crime documentaries lately and inbetween I need to watch some very light programs. I like the sound of that JD. Robbs series you mentioned! 


@Poppysmum That's interesting, which ones have you read lately or are in the middle of now? dog


@gmarkj Kindles are really useful, it's much more convenient and feels like less of a commitment (if that makes sense) than to carry around a giant heavy book - which Fantasy ones usual are. 


As for myself I've been reading Robin Hobb's Realm of the Elderlings books lately. I finished the Farseer Trilogy not long again and am now halfway through the last book of the Liveship traders Trilogy, Ship of Destiny. In general I read mostly Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Thrillers/Crime, and a lot of Graphic novels. 


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Message 6 of 28

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I read just about every genre except Romance. Don't mind Historical Romance like Diana Gabaldon's series because they're not soppy romance and the historical aspect is well researched. My favourite would probably be crime thrillers, closely followed by legal/medical/psychological thrillers, fantasy, horror - particularly ghost and haunted house stories - and sci fi. I also read real life crime books and biographies.

Like @Cleoriff, being an avid reader, I like to mix it up with the genres as I'd get easily bored reading one genre all the time. I know people do it but I just can't.
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I've not read Diana Gabaldon's series but I watched most of the TV adaptation. I've heard they're great books though so maybe at some point I can give them a go slight_smile

Which crime/horror/thriller are you reading at the moment or planning to read next @Glory1?

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Message 8 of 28

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@EmilieT wrote:

I've not read Diana Gabaldon's series but I watched most of the TV adaptation. I've heard they're great books though so maybe at some point I can give them a go slight_smile

Which crime/horror/thriller are you reading at the moment or planning to read next @Glory1?

I'm also watching the TV adaptation of Diana Gabaldon's books and whilst enjoying the 2nd season they have changed quite a bit from the books, though it's still good.


I'm reading Barbara Erskine at the moment, in between my recordings, boxsets, films, seeing friends, oh yes and eating and sleeping LOL


Anyway, the book is Time's Legacy. The main female character, a vicar, has a crystal 'stone' inherited from her recently deceasd mother that allows her to see into the past, ghosts if you will, but actual scenes from their lives day-to-day. She's viewing the lives of a Roman family who lived on the site of the present home she's living in. She's dealing with a crisis of faith staying at this house as a form of retreat. Don't want to give any more away.


Barbara Erskine writes about female heroines who see into the past and are often threatened by it in the present. She does wonderful historical research and I enjoy her books for that alone, quite apart from the past and present day stories. She has written several short story collections I've also read and they contain the only romantic fiction I actually enjoy.

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Message 9 of 28

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I'm currently reading books by SK Tremayne.

She/he wrote the excellent 'Just Before I Died'. Also wrote the The Ice Twins and Fire Child. Just started the Ice Twins. Psychological thrillers.  The sort of book that when you start you don't want to put down.

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Girl in a jacket
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