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🤡One Sentence April Fool's Story 🤡

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                      clown ONE SENTENCE APRIL FOOL'S STORY clown



Good Morning you lovely April Fools. yahoo


Yet again I have agreed to do a One sentence story.

This one is about April Fool's Day and I will be setting the scene.

It's your story so make it as mad, silly, funny or creepy as you like.

You are only allowed to post one sentence and then wait for the next person to post another sentence before posting again.

I hope the usual April Fools…eeermmm…friends and colleagues will take part….clown

I've set the scene, so away we go......




Harry woke up early full of glee. His school was closed due Covid and he decided to play the best April Fool's prank on two of his greatest friends Will and Meghan

He gobbled down his breakfast and made his way to the garage where he found a long piece of thick black rope. He put this in his rucksack along with 2 bars of chocolate, a bottle of water and his mobile phone.. He got on his bike and pedalled as fast as he could to Silverstone Woods. He got there quite quickly and pulled the black rope out of his rucksack. He laid it on the ground next to a bush with a 1/3 of it hidden under the bush. IT really did look like  a tail.

He text Megan and Willy and told them to come quick. He had found a weird tail under a bush and he needed their help to pull it out as he wasn't going to do it alone. He gave them directions and said it was in Becketts section of the woods and he would be waiting. Harry had no intention of waiting. He went and hid behind a tree waiting for his two friends to arrive.

15 mins later he heard the sound of their bikes and their voices calling to him.

Then he saw them but to his surprise, they weren't heading for his bush but another one 10 feet away in the opposite direction. They bent down and said here's the tail and pulled and pulled....Suddenly there was a mighty growling roar and.....

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 1 of 65

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So many twists in the story joy Loved it! Thank you for another great one sentence story @Cleoriff ! A good laugh!

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Well here go, I collated it as we went along. joy


                              clown ONE SENTENCE APRIL FOOL'S STORY clown


Harry woke up early full of glee. His school was closed due Covid and he decided to play the best April Fool's prank on two of his greatest friends Will and Meghan

He gobbled down his breakfast and made his way to the garage where he found a long piece of thick black rope. He put this in his rucksack along with 2 bars of chocolate, a bottle of water and his mobile phone.. He got on his bike and pedalled as fast as he could to Silverstone Woods. He got there quite quickly and pulled the black rope out of his rucksack. He laid it on the ground next to a bush with a 1/3 of it hidden under the bush. IT really did look like  a tail.

He text Megan and Willy and told them to come quick. He had found a weird tail under a bush and he needed their help to pull it out as he wasn't going to do it alone. He gave them directions and said it was in Becketts section of the woods and he would be waiting. Harry had no intention of waiting. He went and hid behind a tree waiting for his two friends to arrive.

15 mins later he heard the sound of their bikes and their voices calling to him.

Then he saw them but to his surprise, they weren't heading for his bush but another one 10 feet away in the opposite direction. They bent down and said here's the tail and pulled and pulled....Suddenly there was a mighty growling roar and.....



... a strange beast with piercing eyes stared at Wills and Meghan, who screamed, let go of the tail and ran, but Meghan tripped over the real piece of rope which Harry had hidden under the bush 10 feet from where the beast was, and Harry, who had always fancied Meghan, rushed out from where he was hiding and helped her to her feet


Meghan shocked and bruised stood up to find that the beast from under the Bush was pounding toward them.


But Harry had an idea. He pulled out....


His water bottle and sprayed it…"what the hell are you doing you fool said Will"…"I thought it might frizzle up" said Harry sulkily, but it just got angrier.....and


as the beast got closer and closer, Harry said "Don`t lets hang about, looks like a hut up there in the distance, can we make it before the beast bites us in the bum?"


" A hut? In the Woods? Silly silly children".....but they still ran towards it and....


Harry said, with a huge smile on his face, "Meghan, you can share my chocolate when we get to the hut" as the beast pounded towards them and...


Will screamed at Harry...share my chocolate you damn creep...if we don't get to the hut, there will be no chocolate as that damn beast will have gobbled you up and then....


Meghan, out of breath from the running from the beast, began vomiting green slime. "Just like in The Exorcist" said Harry, and Wills added "Can`t wait for her head to start spinning round... It`s more like chuck up than lockdown... tee hee"


Meghan Will and Harry arrived at the Hut ~ inside was eerily dark and loads of spiders webs hit them in the face and 


...they noticed they weren't alone in there either.


suddenly the door slammed shut and a hideous sound was heard coming from outside, where Piers Moron, former TV presenter on Gobby Moaning Britain, stood cackling... 


'Silly silly children Piers Moron cackled, 'ever heard the line, don't go down to the woods, else you are in for a big surprise'?......the children, though shocked, heard the beast pounce on Piers and growl 'take that you nasty piece of work' and…


then his head fell off.......


No-one cared about Piers Moron and his silly head, the children were  more frightened about the looked small outside but inside it was dark , large and very eerie...they stepped forward holding hands.....


Harry, peering through a hole in the hut door, saw what had happened to Piers and said "That`s even better than Meghan`s head spinning", and Meghan yelled "Piers, you horrible, horrible man, I`m telling Auntie Oprah all about you"; as the kids ventured further into the hut... 


and before they knew it, Oprah jumped out from the back of the hut in a clown costume screaming "YOU get a car, and YOU get a car and YOU get a car" 


Quick as a flash, Piers transformed into a Gorgon, or maybe it was Cummings to look like a Hancock... Nearly a whole armful, not a Priti sight! Still, the flash receded and...


Wills, Meghan and Harry yelled "Thanks a bunch Oprah but what good is a car each when we`re stuck in this hut and it`s dark and there is something very peculiar down that passage..."


The children said, that's the most frightening thing ever and it's mad, we are only 12, we can't drive cars...and what the hell is that in the corner and down that passage......??


"Dunno" said Harry "Can`t make it out except for a mass of unruly hair and it`s muttering about "third wave and fresh air - or was that fresh hair? Shall we keep together and take a closer look?"


'We have to stick together though' said Meghan, 'I'm not being Taken'. Harry picked up a big stick and said 'I'm gonna poke that thing and see what happens'


The mass of unruly hair slowly swung round... Like a Ronald McDonald caricature, it stood, backed by a blue screen, bounded by a pair of humongous flags..




Harry poked into what he could see then there was a roar and fire breath so Meghan and Wills ....


... cried "Clowns; clowns; clowns; nothing but clowns", and the big hairy clown in the middle suddenly....


said..."Children, children, children, please be quiet, I can't fact I haven't been able to think for months". Will hit him with a stick and said "Shaddup you...sick of all the garbage you keep spewing, you April fool, Get out of the way we are going down these stairs"...


Down down they went... in front of them were three enormous easter chocolate eggs 🥚


"One each" said Wills... "No, no" said Harry "Let`s play a game and the one who wins gets to eat all three Easter eggs. So what game shall we play?"…


"How about Russian Roulette?" says Wills and pulls out a gun, but…


Meghan, who was not very bright, asked "Oooh that sounds fun. What are the rules?"


Harry who was very dim...thought a while and said great 👍 let's get started I'm bound to win grasping the loaded end of the gun and...


"Rules? Said Wills...Well you idiot, there's one bullet in this gun and we spin the barrel and fire and if you die from a bullet there's no eggs for you, you twerp". Meghan started to cry and …


And, Will added, you gotta ask yourself: Do I feel lucky?

Well, do ya? cowboy


"No we don't feel lucky" said the children..."this is meant to be April Fool's day, so let's leave the eggs for now and explore some more of this Tardis hut" so they went deeper into the dark.......


... only to find that the beast had broken through the timber walls of the basement of the hut and stood in front of Wills, Meghan and Harry snarling and slobbering...


The children screamed and Harry said "Bloody hell, what's this now, I thought April Fool's day was meant to finish at 12md"? "Not in these woods said the beast slobbering and snarling...'it's also dark outside" he whined gleefully....


"... and a 12 year child shouldn`t be swearing" snarled the beast "prepare to pay the price for being naughty and I don`t mean cleaning The Naughty Step... I bet you all will taste nicer than mouldy old chocolate Easters eggs... mmm yummy yummy"


But the kids shouted: "Hold on! We are infested with parasites! I wouldn't eat us if I was you!", buying them time for the sun to slowly rise behind the monster until Gandalf the Grey came to their rescue and with the help of the sunlight turn the monster into stone. As it turns out, the monster was a troll and the three kids weren't kids but hobbits…


"Thank you Gandalf the Grey" yelled the kids/hobbits…"but the sun has gone now" and off they ran into the dark dark woods...


As the ran they came across a witch 🧙‍♀️ with a black cat 🐈 ... the witch had a broom and she flew high in the air the children looked at her and then as they stood still..


The kids yelled " Is there Room On The Broom"....the witch cackled and said "I am the Blair Witch and you three are part of my project".....


"Blair project"…..they all shouted

"Can we go to Blair Castle in Scotland that's a really spooky has an armoury too" so just at that moment ...


..The witch dropped in front of them and said..."Listen you stupid kids...the Blair Witch project was made into a film...its about 3 students who go wandering in woods, never to be seen's all in the legends you see", she said cackling and rubbing her hands with glee...


The kids said they each had an announcement... Wills said "I`m gonna be King of England"; Meghan said "I`m gonna be President of the United States" and Harry said "I`m gonna marry Meghan but don`t know what Granny Liz will say when we tell her..."  


And the Blair Witch said..."what a load of nonsense....just for telling so many lies, I'm letting you all go home, liars are no good to me… are all April Fools!!"


                                              clown THE END clown

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 52 of 65

Level 51: Absolutely Fabulous 
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That made sense @Cleoriff
How 🤔
Thanks for a great April Fools Day story..


Message 53 of 65

Level 47: Going Places
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Thanks for putting it together so quick into one complete story @Cleoriff 


A brilliant funny story LOL thanks to everyone`s contribution.

I was laughing out loud reading it... dunno what my neighbour is thinking...



Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

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@TallTrees wrote:
That made sense @Cleoriff
How 🤔
Thanks for a great April Fools Day story..

Thanks to you @TallTrees . I couldn't have done it without all of you.

I love the way you managed to get your Easter Eggs into the story LOL

Now I'm off for a siesta Lol...

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 55 of 65

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Thanks  to you all. Brilliant story. Thoroughly enjoyed it...and now for siesta...x

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 56 of 65

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Well done - sorry for missing out but not sure I would be able to keep up with you nutters!!

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HAHAHA guys, this is brilliant. I love how this became a polictical satire.


Well done @Cleoriff 

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@Cleoriff wrote:


Thanks  to you all. Brilliant story. Thoroughly enjoyed it...and now for siesta...x

Well deserved @Cleoriff clap clap clap

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Message 59 of 65

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That deserves one of these...

giphy (1) (7).gif

Well done, @Cleoriff 👍🤠

Message 60 of 65