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New New News!!!

Level 23: Casual Specs
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In today's society, anything and everything is classed as 'news'

A 'celeb' is pregnant or getting a divorce and it is front page news.

It annoys me when important stories, such as tragedies, are shoved to the 4th and 5th pages of a newspaper, yet a celeb gorging on a greasy burger and ignoring their diet is regarded as 'breaking news'

There are loads of magazines out there that can print celeb news so why can't that type of news be kept in the magazines and put just the real news in newspapers?

Message 1 of 114
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I stopped reading/buying newspapers years ago as they're all biased and full of bad news. Sadly the celeb stuff is a distraction from a lack of bad news. I occasionally stop by the newspaper counter in the supermarket and see what the headline is but its always some sensational exaggerated stuff to attract you to their slanted point of view.


Even tradegies etc are poorly reported and quite selective if its anywhere outside of London if it doesn't meet their demographic market.

Message 2 of 114

Not applicable
Phew @gemz4the1 do you feel a bit better after that 😊

Only kidding.

Unfortunately it does sometimes boil down to what sells newspapers and creates viewing figures. 😞
Message 3 of 114

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Obviously having only stories of sadness everyday is depressing, but it is wrong to put nonsense on the front page because to some people it shows that life is like a fairytale and bad things don't happen but unfortunately they do..... 😞


I think the balance is off.  Many newspapers put too much celeb nonesense in them rather than being more balanced with the content.

Message 4 of 114

Not applicable

How good it is to see someone talking a bit of sense in here!  Keep it up @gemz4the1   Would you be free sometime  in May next year to fill a vacant post in 10 Downing Street?


Message 5 of 114

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@Anonymous wrote:

How good it is to see someone talking a bit of sense in here!  Keep it up @gemz4the1   Would you be free sometime  in May next year to fill a vacant post in 10 Downing Street?


Hahahahaha thanks @Anonymous 

Downing Street wouldn't be able to handle me...... 😛

Message 6 of 114

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It all depends on your actual definition of a "newspaper", but I do agree, pointless news can be found everywhere these days.......
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Message 7 of 114

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@MI5 wrote:
It all depends on your actual definition of a "newspaper", but I do agree, pointless news can be found everywhere these days.......

Is that a subtle hint @MI5 ?   Whistle

This is a forum - a variety of info is allowed - hence why there are different sections.  A forum is very different to a newspaper. But I don't want to get into a discussion on here about that again. slight_smile

A newspaper is (as the title suggests) supposed to report actual news.

Message 8 of 114

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Not at all Gemz, I was agreeing with your observations and pointing out that certain "newspapers" are no more than comics for lonely housewives - A little paranoid there, I fear wink
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Message 9 of 114

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.....if the shoe fits......   tongue


it makes a change for you to agree with me - you must be in a good mood and getting in the christmas spirit Smiley Very Happy


Back to topic - I was unhappy the other day because on the front page of 3 newpapers, the day after the Sydney hostage situation, some of the papers had the front page covered in a story about a certain celeb heading for a divorce and either didn't mention the Sydney hostage situation at all, or swuashed a 5 cm article in the corner of the front page. 

Message 10 of 114