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Movies in March - 2019!

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Hey everyone,


There are some really interesting movies coming out this month with quite a few that I'm super keen to see! Before we get to that did anyone see any of the films we discussed last month and if so what did you think and would you recommend any of them to the community? 


The big release is Captain Marvel, the latest movie in the MCU franchise and the last film before the highly anticipated Avengers End Game. I'm a fan of the Marvel movies and have seen them all so I'll definitely be checking this one out. 


To give a bit of balance to last years very polished drama First Man,  Apollo 11 is a documentary that chronicles Apollo 11's mission to land a man on the moon. 


I came across the trailer for this one quite by accident but it really peaked my interest. Captive State is set 10 years after the occupation of Earth by a mysterious alien race and follows an attempted rebellion. 


A really interesting horror movie called Us is out in March in which a family are terrorised by their own doppelgangers! 


Lastly Danny DeVito stars in a live action Dumbo movie! I had no idea they were retelling this story so it's worth a look. 


What do you think of this months movie releases? Are you planning to see anything and which films are you looking forward to the most? 



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Well, like you @Martin-O2 , I'm a big Marvel fan so Captain Marvel caught my eye when they showed the trailer on TV and Avengers End Game also a must.


I loved the animated Dumbo and the live action version looks amazing, if the trailer I saw was anything to go by.


Not seen the trailer for Captive State but like you the premise sounds interesting as does Us; I love horror and being terrorised by your own dopplegangers is a new twist.


Don't get to the cinema anymore but these are films I will probably buy. Well the Marvel films for sure and I'm a sucker for anything Disney, so probably Dumbo as well.

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Good to hear you're also a Marvel fan @Glory1 ! I think they've done a fantastic job with the combined cinematic universe and I'm really looking forward to both Captain Marvel and End Game. 


John Goodman stars in Captive State along with some lesser known actors so I think it has potential. I'm the same as you and find it hard to get to the cinema but I intend to see this one so I'll report back.


The old animated Dumbo was great so I'm interested in how it will translate to live action. 

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Message 3 of 41

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Well from the trailer showing live action Dumbo, I'd say it translated very well @Martin-O2 .

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Message 4 of 41

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Going to see Captain Marvel on Friday...
Not too bothered by Dumbo, but will probably see Captive State and Us.
Us is directed by the same chap who directed Get Out (he also wrote and produced both) - and the trailer looked exceptionally creepy.

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I saw the trailer for Dumbo last looked great.

Also a fan of Marvel films though admit that Captain America isn't my favourite character (that honour would go to Iron Mandrool )


Will be looking forward to Avengers End Game (Though I'm hoping it is NOT the end of them!!)

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Message 6 of 41

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@gmarkj now I'm even keener on seeing Us!

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You'll have to let us know your spoiler free thoughts on Captain Marvel @gmarkj


I didn't know that Us was from the same writer as Get Out (which was brilliant), makes me look forward to it even more. 


Same here @Cleoriff I'm kinda nervous at who's going to make it through End Game. grimacing

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Message 8 of 41

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Agreed, will be interesting seeing what happens.
Will keep you posted about the Captain Marvel review @Martin-O2 and will make sure it is *spoiler* free...

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Nice one @gmarkj ! I'm not going to have time for the cinema so will be avoiding spoilers until I can see it. cool

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