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Love Week


                                            heart FRIENDSHIP heart




Today's topic is all about Friendship and what it means to you.

Few things have such a huge impact on happiness and the enjoyment, depth and plain fun of life as the friendships we have.


Do friends need to spend a lot of time together? Or are you comfortable with friends you see rarely but can just pick up a conversation as if you had never been apart?

Then (like this community) there are people you have never met but consider good friends.


Just a bit about myself. I am 'quite old' and have a large circle of friends. Some I speak to daily and see often, others I see rarely but know they would have my back if anything happened to me. They also know I would be there for them.

Through life, I have had many best friends. It happens with age. Smiley Very Happy Many of those have moved away, across the world  but we still keep in touch..


Currently one of my closest friends used to be my boss in nursing. (Yes just imagine!!)

At work we were totally professional and to make sure I was never favoured in the eyes of others, she worked me harder than anyone else. Now we are both retired and can share a friendship which is quite unique really.


I specifically asked @Marjo  to do this topic as it gave me an opportunity to mention @Glory1 .

She was community member who we sadly lost in August of last year.

We had never met. We were the same age and when she joined we just clicked. She became one of my closest friends.

How can that possibly happen when you haven't met someone in person?


Well it did. We had the same sense of humour and shared a liking of books and TV programmes. We could literally chat for hours, either via PM, email, messenger and the occasional phone call. We supported each other a lot through some very bad times and enjoyed black humour discussing our issues.

When she passed away, I felt I had lost a very close friend. This is probably the power of this community and I thank people for that and bringing Glory into our lives..


Add to that, I also thank the community for other friendships I have made and the support they have given me (you know who you are) heart


I found this lovely quote from a very unlikely source..


“Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.”

Muhammad Ali



So what does friendship mean to you?

Have you any amusing or poignant friendship memories you want to share?


Please feel free to join in in any way you feel comfortable with. Don't make me feel like a Billy No- Mates  LOL



Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 1 of 62

Not applicable

@Anonymous wrote:

Tbf @Anonymous the person i was going to take a trip to was you!

What a lovely surprise and one to lift me up as-it-were Hug thank you @Anonymous 

I should be delighted to meet you and we could have lunch at the cycle cafe I have mentioned before

Isn't your post appropriate for this thread

Let's keep in touch by pm


What a lovely thread this is @Cleoriff  

Message 21 of 62

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Only one person knew my new friend's name is Chester....

....there, now you all know rofl


btw @Anonymous , I have met @Anonymous  and found her to be just as she comes across on here, delightful ok_hand

Message 22 of 62

Not applicable

@jonsie wrote:

Only one person knew my new friend's name is Chester....

....there, now you all know rofl


btw @Anonymous , I have met @Anonymous  and found her to be just as she comes across on here, delightful ok_hand

Is Chester your new cat ? @jonsie


You are very kind @jonsie 

When I visited you, you were the perfect host

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@jonsie wrote:

Only one person knew my new friend's name is Chester....

....there, now you all know rofl



Loved the story behind Chester (the cat) @jonsie . Long may your friendship with him last heart

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 24 of 62

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@Anonymous wrote:

@jonsie wrote:

Only one person knew my new friend's name is Chester....

....there, now you all know rofl


btw @Anonymous , I have met @Anonymous  and found her to be just as she comes across on here, delightful ok_hand

Is Chester your new cat ? @jonsie


You are very kind @jonsie 

When I visited you, you were the perfect host

Yes he is smiling
Message 25 of 62

Not applicable

@Cleoriff wrote:

@jonsie wrote:

Only one person knew my new friend's name is Chester....

....there, now you all know rofl



Loved the story behind Chester (the cat) @jonsie . Long may your friendship with him last heart

There's a story?

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There is a story @Anonymous  but I'll let @jonsie tell it. All I will say is he got Chester today and the cat is on his lap constantly. Cat

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 27 of 62

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He was an old lady's cat and she died. No one would take responsibility for him and he was on the streets for two years. 

Taken from the Rescue social media page ::



🧡 Chester - the forgotten cat 🧡

Wouldn’t you think that after being on the streets for so long, - neglected and with every day a struggle to survive - Chester would have completely lost faith in humans?

Not so. It’s amazing how stoic, resilient and forgiving our beautiful furry friends are. Here is Chester after a week in foster care. He’s possibly the most affectionate, loving and gentle cat we’ve ever had the privilege of caring for.

On Thursday, Chester had all his fur taken off at the vets, apart from his face and legs (the only bits of him not matted). He had his first vaccination, had his gungey ears cleaned out and was microchipped to Cat Friends of Hyndburn. Last week he was also flea and worm treated. The full works 😻

We did buy him a jumper to keep his skinny little body warm but, in true independent cat style, he managed to wriggle his booty out of it on the first night 😻

Chester was probably resigned to living the life of a street cat but thanks to every one of you who donated to his care, we were able to help out the rescue that found him by taking him in and funding his treatment.

We will let you into a secret. Just like all the other rescues who were probably approached to take Chester in, Cat Friends didn’t have any spare funds either. We simply knew that our loyal, caring Cat Friends would come to the rescue and, if not, we would work that bit harder to make sure we could rescue him ♥️♥️

Chester would like to thank you all from the very bottom of his furry ginger boots for giving him the chance of a new life, where he will be loved and treasured for the rest of his days ♥️♥️

Oh, did we forget to mention? Chester’s homecheck has been passed today ♥️❤️♥️❤️♥️❤️♥️❤️♥️❤️♥️❤️


Quite comical really, he looks like a small poodle with his fur shaved rofl

...he hasn't yet decided where he is sleeping tonight Thinking

Message 28 of 62

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That is such a moving story. Good on you @jonsie for finding a home for Chester. I wish you and him all the best for a long friendship together. What a beautiful thing to read on here at the end of Off Topic Love Week... 


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 29 of 62

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The modern world has opened the doors much wider to the world and meaning of "friend"
Sure you can have 600+ "friends" on Facebook, twitter or other social media outlets, but in reality ... Are they truly friends?
In many cases, no. They are what I would call "acquaintances" but, in that field of people you "know" online, there are many instances where the realm of true friendship does happen, where the people you know just from online interaction do hold a certain regard in your life.
When you feel their pain and illness, when you worry with them from their illnesses, or accidents abroad 😉, when you arrange to meet for a pint, or just for a simple chat, then you should consider them in the regard of a friend.
I am quite lucky in that regard, both with members on here, and my friends at Sony, in that I do consider them as friends, and regularly meet up not only at events, but try to also in my own time, away from the communities we are on.
The reality is, a friendship can be as weak or as strong as you make it, and in the modern age, even a global one can be as meaningful as your neighbor.
Message 30 of 62