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It's Stop Food Waste Day!

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Hi everyone wave


Today is Stop Food Waste Day!


Brought into life to ignite change regarding the global food waste issue, this day is used to draw attention to this global problem and give advice and suggestions on how to change your own food waste habits. With 33% of the annually produced food going to waste and 8% of all greenhouse emissions each year caused by food loss and waste, it’s clear that something needs to be done.




And your device, may it be a mobile phone or tablet, can help you do that! By now, there are numerous mobile apps that not only give advice on how to reduce food waste but also give solutions to commonly asked questions. So, we went on a little app hunt for you to collate the five most popular apps that support the fight against food waste point_down



Olio is a mobile app designed to help people share surplus food in their neighbourhood and through that reduce food waste. And lately the app has also introduced the use of their services for sharing non-food household items too. This is great as not only you join the war against food waste but are also able to help struggling neighbours in need of food at the same time!



One for the busy ones - The app Too Good to Go has risen in popularity over the past couple of years with more and more restaurants and eateries taking part. But what is it? The participating stores sell their left-over but still perfectly fine food in a “magic bag” at certain times of the day. A great way to try out new places whilst helping tackle the waste of restaurants, cafes and other eateries!



“Globally, 33% of food is wasted, resulting in 8% of CO2 emissions, while at the same time, 820 million people worldwide are hungry.” - With this statement, the app FoodCloud joins the revolution on tackling food waste. They connect businesses that have surplus food with charities and community groups that need it. Founded in Ireland, the company is now ready to take on the world and help other businesses with their food bank technology.



Ever emptied our your shopping bags to discover you bought the exact same things that are already in your fridge? Only then to leave them forgotten at the back of the fridge and go off? Well, welcome to the club. With a common problem, the app NoWaste offers the solution through easily tracking, organising and managing the food in your home, from freezer to fridge or cupboard. This helps limit waste with easier meal planning and avoid unnecessary purchases.



Last but not least, with a name that makes sense on so many levels, it’s the app Karma. Similar to Too Good To Go, this app offers anyone to purchase surplus and leftover food from popular local restaurants and eateries. Everyone has to eat, so Karma thinks you might as well help tackle food waste whilst doing so! We agree and are off to our favourite bakery.


Do you know any other apps that help fight food waste? Share them with us in the comments! smiling

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@O2EmmaLouise wrote:

Great post Theresa!


I absolutely hate food waste and I use the Too Good To Go app. I've recommended it to everyone in my family, it's brilliant!

I want to try the Greggs one but my partner is scared of the state of us after having a bag of sausage rolls and such joy

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@TallTrees wrote:

Oh @Cleoriff  I adore bubble and squeak!

Yes and me @TallTrees. I follow my mums recipe. She used to brown off onions in a frying pan. She then added the bubble and squeak mixture, flattened it down and fried it. Then turned it over and fried the other side. Absolutely delicious with brown sauce on the side.

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Girl in a jacket
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I never had bubble and squeak @Cleoriff but I am keen to try! I tend to use leftovers and turn them into something else and if all ideas fail, things always go well in an omelett laughing But I absolutely hate throwing away food so I think it's also a lot about knowing how to portion right. Although I tend to plate myself more than I need usually sweat_smile


I love your idea @Anonymous, I don't have a garden as I am currently living in a top floor flat but could use these as compost for the plants on my balcony in the long run. I will definitely get one of those and try it out! 

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@Mi-Amigo wrote:

Great subject.

I don`t have a smart phone and don`t use apps - although this will no doubt be useful to the younger or more tech minded members of the Community.

I try where possible to only put what is required on my shopping lists - rather than "just in case/might need" items which will end up not being used and going to waste; and also try use up food before "eat by" date.


I do think that - like a lot of other issues - this another of those which might be a good idea to have a "Stop Food Waste Day" but is something we should all think about on a regular basis rather than on just the one day. 

I think it is very useful if you in general like using apps or are a bit busy throughout the week and want to grab a quick dinner on the way home and on top of that help the environment @Mi-Amigo! I actually often buy things that are not on my shopping list because I know that I will have an idea of what to do with them throughout the week. And in case they do get left behind, I always throw them in a soup joy


You are certainly right, we should think about this on a regular basis. However, a day like this is a great way to spread awareness wink

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@Cleoriff wrote:

@TallTrees wrote:

Oh @Cleoriff  I adore bubble and squeak!

Yes and me @TallTrees. I follow my mums recipe. She used to brown off onions in a frying pan. She then added the bubble and squeak mixture, flattened it down and fried it. Then turned it over and fried the other side. Absolutely delicious with brown sauce on the side.

You made me drool right then @Cleoriff  sweat_smile I will make sure to try that with our leftovers from the next roast!

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Just a word of advice, my Mum never used anything but 'green' vegetables in her bubble and squeak. She would use left over mashed and roast potatoes (chopped small) cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower (all mashed together)

We weren't keen on carrots, parsnips or swede with Sunday lunch.

With the bubble and squeak we would have the cold cuts of meat left over from Sunday.

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Girl in a jacket
Message 16 of 20

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LOVELY @TheresaV 

very professional looking and so delicious too.


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All this bubble and squeak talk has made me crave it! @Cleoriff your Mums recipe sounds delicious!
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We always bought the left over turkey frames from the cooked meat shop for 20p

I loved picking them and my wife would make a turkey broth out of the frames

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@jonsie wrote:

We always bought the left over turkey frames from the cooked meat shop for 20p

I loved picking them and my wife would make a turkey broth out of the frames

I actually recently learned that adding the rind of parmesan to a soup adds a tremendous amount of flavour and have been doing it ever since @jonsie. That way I even use the tiniest bit of it to create something new!

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