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I'm A Celebrity (get Me Out Of Here)

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November 21st is the start date for this years series. Due to covid restrictions, the show will be held in Gwrych Castle in Wales again and hosted by Ant and Dec.

The contestants have been named


Simon Gregson (Plays Steve McDonald in Coronation Street) Last year Beverley Callard who plays Steve's Mum Liz was on the show.

IAC Simon.jpg


Adam Woodyatt (who plays Ian Beale in Eastenders)

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Arlene Phillips. Ex SCD judge. At 78 Arlene is the oldest contestant to appear on the show

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Frankie Bridge (Singer from The Saturdays)

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Richard Madeley TV Broadcaster

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Matty Lee (Diving Partner of Tom Daley)

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Naughty Boy (never heard of him but is a DJ and music producer.)

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Danny Miller. (Plays Aaron Dingle in Emmerdale)

IAC Danny.jpg


David Ginola (ex Footballer)

IAC David.jpg


Kadeena Cox (Olympian Gold medallist)

IAC Kadeena.jpg


Louise Minchin (TV broadcaster)

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DJ Locksmith (DJ another one I haven't heard of)

IAC DJ Locksmith.jpg


Snoochie Shy (Model and TV presenter. Who?) 😂

IAC Snoochie.jpg


So there we are. Some good, some bad and some I've never heard of. Really looking forward to it. 




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Girl in a jacket
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I've caught up with recording now @Mi-Amigo 

Thanks for the write up. During the trial I thought Matty was great eating Turkey testicles and then it went downhill (in my opinion). The last trial they were both pathetic. Spent far too much time screaming at the gunk being dropped on them with their faces looking at the floor! Why they couldn't turn round and stand a better chance of catching those coins beggars belief. NB has no idea after doing 7 trials that they are against the clock!!


Glad Arlene went, although her saying she wanted NB to win was totally MEH.

No, they never mentioned anything about a trial tomorrow @Mi-Amigo.

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Girl in a jacket
Message 51 of 77

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Monday 6th Dec.

Camp mates woke up to last day of Arlene being there and they were talking about eliminations.

Danny made them laugh as he wanted to spoon with someone. There were no takers 😂


Then they were told about letters from home. Computer in camp. They had to choose a camp mate to  remember the wifi code which came in via 1 telephone call. If correct got letters from home.

All correct except....

Kadeena for Adam- Failed

Danny for David- Failed.

Both gutted and upset

Arlene was saying she wanted to go home, so when she was picked to go she was delighted.

NB, hogging camera time, spoke about how much HE would miss her.


Celebs chose who would do trial (two celebs for this one Kadeema and Louise) NB was deciding who should do it and David told him to shut up basically. He said he didn't need anyone to tell him he had to do a trial

Kadeena then said she would do it to stop the argument.


Trial Crittercal Cages

Louise chose to be locked in a coffin cage on her back with critters and Kadeena was running to get the keys from boxes (with snakes) She then had to empty box over Louise in cage'

Not every box had a star in it. All boxes had critters in.  18 boxes opened in 9 mins. All 10 stars won.


NB tried to make up with David who accepted his apology. (Sort of)

They then read letters from home. Very emotional.

David broke down when he read out Davids letter. Shame about Adam and David not getting letters.


Ant and Dec in camp to tell them who might be leaving.


Kadeena was eliminated. Quite shocked at that if honest. People must prefer NB to her. They must be mad!!

Kadeena said she wanted Louise to win.

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Girl in a jacket
Message 52 of 77

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I think it is more of a case of wanting to see NB cause chaos/unrest with his rather infantile behaviour.

More worryingly is when he upsets someone he tries to palm it off with "I didn't mean to upset you, I was just having my say".

Would be quite happy for him to get booted out tonight, but doubt it would happen...

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Message 53 of 77

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Thank you @Cleoriff for write up.

Was pleased to see Louise volunteer and do trail. She showed what can be done and exposed NB for the wimp he is when he couldn`t get the stars in a similar challenge.

As to NB `s attitude towards David that was totally unacceptable. I`m surprised no-one bopped him one. He only "apologises" for his behaviour when the cameras are on him and public vote is due. I too hope he gets booted off tonight but doubt that is gonna happen as ITV clearly [but wrongly] believe that NB`s antics will bring in the viewers.  

Still no decided who I want to see win this year`s IAC...


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

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Opened with camp waking up on Monday morning. Sweet Caroline sung; David and Adam sang and danced; Adam offered David his chair, which David fell asleep in. Later NB chatted to David about football. NB had no idea what he was talking about. 

Before Kadenna voted off, David and Danny no longer leader and deputy. Louise new leader, chose Snoochie as deputy. Louise and Snoochie gave camp mates new jobs - camp chefs = Matty and Simon; maintenance [inc wood gathering] = Frankie and David; poo patrol = Adam and NB; washing up = Kadenna and Danny.


Coin Challenge = NB and Snoochie. Repair alien space ship. One viewed Xmas shape thru telescope, other had to reproduce it. After various failed attempts and starting again, eventually got it right and went to shop. Offer - mice pies or cheese and pineapple. NB and Snoochie chose mince pies. Q to camp - what percentage of public regift unwanted presents - 22% or 12% ? Camp went for 12% which was wrong. NB and Snoochie returned to camp without mince pies but were given Xmas decorations to decorate camp and stole Xmas tree to take back. On return, celebs decorated camp with Xmas decorations.


Kadenna voted off and camp mates all said they`d miss her.


Trial - Louise as camp leader to choose who does it. NB said he didn`t want to do it as he`d done seven. Louise accepted that and said names would be pulled from hat by NB. NB drew Frankie`s name, who would have to do trial on her own.

Trial - Grim Grinder. Frankie strapped in grinder [cage], which rotated with rotten food poured over her as she had to answer nine questions - each one correct wins a star. Frankie got 7 out of 9 correct.

Back in camp, Matty said he hated being chef; camp mates said his rice was too watery.

Frankie returned. Meal was octopus. No-one keen on it. Matty said he`d prepare rice and veggie from meal pack. David said he`d break the rules and cook octopus, which everyone enjoyed. Camp mates toasted Kadenna who had left.


Ant and Dec went into camp to announce who had received fewest votes and would be going home. Vote was down to NB or Snoochie goig home. Ant and Dec announced Snoochie going home.

In chat with Ant and Dec, Snoochie said she couldn`t really choose who she`d like to win - and said either Danny or Frankie, then paused and said - or Louise or Matty.

Interestingly, the celebs Snooche DIDN`T mention she would like to see win IAC were NB; David; Adam; or Simon.     


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 55 of 77

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Thanks for the write up @Mi-Amigo 

First time I've laughed at NB. He was given the part of standing behind goal when at school playing footie. He was of the opinion that was the 2nd goalkeeper.  In other words he was the kid who was never picked to play football. He's a bit thick because he had no clue.

Revolting meal until David got involved. Even so I couldn't eat Octopus!


Re the eliminations, I thought for one minute that we were getting rid of NB. No they seem to want the women out. Arlene, Kadeena and now Snoochie. 3 down and 2 to go.


Oh well, maybe tomorrow?


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Girl in a jacket
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Wed 8 Dec

Opened with NB in bed moaned to Louise about toilet door being next to his bed. Adam got up and began chores, stoking fire alone as NB still in bed. No hot water. Adam fed up with NB still in bed and not pulling his weight. Later, Adam had chat with NB, who as usual made excuses. Danny spoke to Adam and said he needed a different approach to dealing with NB.

Coin Challenge - Louise and Simon. Had to make hotpot. Ingrediants given to Simon over phone, who shouted them to Louise who had to put them in bowl and throw contents for Simon to catch. Evetually did it. Went to hut. Choice letter from home or bread and butter. Chose letter from home [for Adam and David]. Q to camp - How many stars have been won since camp re-united = 94 or 90 ? Toss of coin, chose 90 - wrong. Went back to camp, and camp-mates decided not to tell David, who was in bed, what lost prize was. Later, Danny decided it was only fair to tell David. Danny was clearly nervous and upset at telling David, who was OK with it.

Frankie asked NB about artists he`d met. NB told about phone call from Beyonce.

Snoochie left. Frankie mad new deputy.

Trial - Danny volunteered. Other names in hat. Simon picked. Danny and Simon did Santa`s Grotty Grotto - four rounds, 2 stars [Simon and Danny to try to get one each] in each round. 1st round - rotten food in Santa`s sack - Simon did it, Danny didn`t = one star; 2nd round - head in box with crab scorpions, undo star with mouth - both did it = two stars; 3rd round = pick baubles out from cornsnakes, decorate Xmas tree and find star, judged by Cledwyn, dressed as Santa = two stars; 4th round - minced fish eye pies, bite fish eye, such out juice, spit it in to sherry glass, then drink it; both did it = two stars.... Total 7 out of 8 stars. Back to camp, meal was partridge, cooked by David - everyone enjoyed it. Toasted Snoochie.


Public vote - Ant and Dec went into camp and announced celebs with fewest votes between Simon and NB. NAUGHTY BOY sent home !!!!! After 16 days in camp, constant moaning, upsetting and annoying most celebs, and doing 7 trials, NB is going home.

Two girls - Louise and Frankie still in camp, along with five guys - David, Simon, Danny, Matty, and Adam.   

Should be really good show tomorrow night. Looking forward to it.   


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 57 of 77

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HOORAY!! NB has gone eventually. Such a twerp, idle, moaner and argumentative naive fool. A real Mummy's boy. Always reckons he didn't instigate the fights. Said that to Ant and Dec tonight. So ridiculous that he failed to notice that he was at fault every time.

I do find it hard to believe that story about Beyonce. I'm not saying he's lying, I just find it weird that of all the thousands of music producers in the world, a superstar like Beyonce would pick him?


Anyway pleased he's gone.

I won't see tomorrow nights episode @Mi-Amigo as I'm away for the night with the gang.

Looking forward to hearing all about it though 😂

Didn't see all of it as I was busy. Saw the part of the trial when Danny and Steve were eating mince pie eyes. Probably the most disgusting of all, purely because they had to drink the eye gunk and their own spit at the end. Didn't surprise me that they were both sick at the end. EUGH!!


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Girl in a jacket
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Thurs 09 Dec - 90 minute edition

Opened with yesterday morning singing in camp. Danny chatted about his character in Emmerdale.

CASTLE INN SCHOOLROOM Challenge - to win evening in pub with pub food and drinks. School room with exam. Simon in bed, not well after previous day`s trial. Others in teams - Frankie and David; Louise, Matty and NB [this was before he left camp]; Adam and Danny. Had to answer questions and pick letters out of box and put on blackboard

camp equivalent of WRQ 😂 - with questions on history; literature; planets; prime numbers; art; Turner Prize; geography; musicals; food. Did it and won evening in Castle Inn. Left singing "School`s Out"

Back in camp, Simon asked to do fire not cheffing. Louise changed jobs round. Adam struggled to get fire lit

Adam and Matty chatted with David about his football career.

NB leaves. Celebs surprised.


TRIAL - names drawn from hat = Danny and David to do Drawbridge Over Troubled Water to win food for camp in Castle Inn.

Had to take it in turns to fill container on helmet on head with liquid, carry container on head across drawbridge avoiding swinging logs, empty into container on wall - sufficient liquid = star, not enough had to keep going. Danny and David took it in turns. Danny did well, David slipped twice, had to keep going. With less than a minute to go, completed trial and won 7 stars. Returned to camp, and David told camp what trial was and that they only got 2 stars when half way thru; then said they got all 7 stars. Camp mates said David was better actor than some of them.

CASTLE PUB opened and celebs headed in and enjoyed drinks, peanuts, crisps, pizza, chips, garlic dip, pork crackling; chocs and candy sticks off Xmas tree; and there were stockings hanging up with letters from home for Adam and David. Louise read out Adam`s letter and Danny read out David`s. Very emotional.

PUN SINGALONG. Celebs took turns singing into mike. Louise and David sang "Dancing Queen"; I didn`t catch which song David sang, nor song which Frankie sang; Simon sang "Hotel California"; then group which named themselves Sexy Badgers sang "Don`t Stop Me Now".


Ant and Dec went into camp to announce two celebs who had fewest public votes were Louise and Matty... and the celeb going home was LOUISE. A huge shock.

Louise chatted with Ant and Dec about her time in castle. Celebs said they could to turn to her and she spoke about coping with some difficult times - arguments, chores.

Louise ended by saying she wanted FRANKIE to win.


I was shocked and, to be honest, didn`t want to see Louise leave.

There are now just six celebs left in the Castle - Danny; David; Frankie; Simon; Adam; Matty.


With only six left, I`ll give my view on the three who I`d like to see make it to the final

- in no particular order - DANNY; FRANKIE; MATTY.    


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 59 of 77

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A real shock Louise leaving. I thought she would be one of the finalists. My winners are Simon and Danny. Purely because they are from my favourite soaps Corrie and Emmerdale. It's funny though. Not keen on Matty if honest...there again I missed last night and with all the catch up viewing I have to do with F1 and soaps, doubt I will see it if honest.

I like David but I don't want him to win, purely because he is a football legend and has been treated like that constantly. Also he has acted like a 'legend' throughout the show. So funny that NOT one who has left has said they want him to win.

Thanks for all your write ups @Mi-Amigo...I'll to tonight and tomorrow. xx

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Girl in a jacket
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