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I'm A Celebrity (get Me Out Of Here)

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November 21st is the start date for this years series. Due to covid restrictions, the show will be held in Gwrych Castle in Wales again and hosted by Ant and Dec.

The contestants have been named


Simon Gregson (Plays Steve McDonald in Coronation Street) Last year Beverley Callard who plays Steve's Mum Liz was on the show.

IAC Simon.jpg


Adam Woodyatt (who plays Ian Beale in Eastenders)

IAC Adam.jpg


Arlene Phillips. Ex SCD judge. At 78 Arlene is the oldest contestant to appear on the show

IAC Arlene.jpg


Frankie Bridge (Singer from The Saturdays)

IAC Frankie.jpg


Richard Madeley TV Broadcaster

IAC Richard.jpg


Matty Lee (Diving Partner of Tom Daley)

IAC Matty.jpg


Naughty Boy (never heard of him but is a DJ and music producer.)

IAC Naughty Boy.jpg


Danny Miller. (Plays Aaron Dingle in Emmerdale)

IAC Danny.jpg


David Ginola (ex Footballer)

IAC David.jpg


Kadeena Cox (Olympian Gold medallist)

IAC Kadeena.jpg


Louise Minchin (TV broadcaster)

IAC Louise.jpg


DJ Locksmith (DJ another one I haven't heard of)

IAC DJ Locksmith.jpg


Snoochie Shy (Model and TV presenter. Who?) 😂

IAC Snoochie.jpg


So there we are. Some good, some bad and some I've never heard of. Really looking forward to it. 




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Girl in a jacket
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Yes I saw that on ITV news last night @Mi-Amigo 😂

They have also have shown the celebs. Two appear to be missing... so not sure if they will be late additions

The first 2 I showed in my opening post Simon Gregson (Corrie) and Adam Woodyatt (Eastenders)

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Girl in a jacket
Message 11 of 77

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So tonight the show began. 8 Celebrities at the start of the show tonight.

Danny, Naughty Boy, Louise and Snoochie in one helicopter took on the first challenge

First Challenge

The 4 were taken to a High metal walk the plank. The trial for two was to walk along a metal strut and with a buzzer at the very end of the strut. They had to wait until a light changed to green and then stamp on the buzzer. Fastest won, loser dropped (with a harness)

The winner joined the Red team. Loser  went to the yellow team

Two winners, Louise and Snoochie (Red Team)

Losers Danny and Naughty Boy went to yellow team.

All 4 had seen the other 4 contestants in a 2nd helicopter.

David, Kadeena, Arlene and Matty..... Louise and Snoochie chose Kadeena and Matty to join them in the red team.

Next Challenge ....

David and Arlene v Kadeena and Matty. Lay on the floor one arm down a hole with snakes and had to untie a rope with a tool which then was used to open and set off a flare box. (Attached to a near by tree.). Kadeena and Matty for the Red team won that challenge..


Next Challenge.

The eight contestants then met the last two to join them. Frankie Bridge and Richard Madeley.  The red team chose Frankie Bridge to join them, so the yellows were left with Richard.

The challenge for those two was to climb separate towers on three levels. On each level they had to unlock 3 keys to get to next level. Of course they were showered with all sorts of creepy crawlies.

This happened on each of the three level. The first one  to the top had to reach out with a long hook on a stick and hook an over large key hanging from rope.

Surprisingly, Frankie Bridge from the Saturdays beat Richard Madely.

This meant the reds won every challenge.


Off to the castle to their accommodation.

Even the winners (Red Team) place to live was extremely basic.

The Yellow teams home (the clink) was disgusting.

Next, viewers voted for someone to do tomorrows challenge. They chose Danny as he has a very poor gag reflex. (He was nearly sick in the helicopter 😂)

The challenge is called Dreaded Diner. Tomorrow they will chose someone from the Red team to go up against Danny.


All in all an absolutely brilliant start to this series.

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Girl in a jacket
Message 12 of 77

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Thank you @Cleoriff for a great write-up on the opening IAC show.

What a brilliant start to the series.

Loved the final challenge - the Tower of Terror. Although it is early days, Frankie could be one to watch out for, not letting being covered in creepy crawlies bother her and beating Richard, who said she won because she is half his age 😂. Dec couldn`t resist making jokes about Richard`s name - "Madely he will, Madely he won`t"... 

Only slight disappointment for me was how short footage was of the snake challenge, with Arlene struggling to untie the rope, which seemed difficult...

Looking forward to tonight`s show to see how they coped with their first night and who is up against Danny in the eating challenge and whatever other surprises Madely in store 😂 


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

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I agree about short footage on some of the challenges @Mi-Amigo. However it was jam packed into less than 90 minutes. I made 2 pages of notes. 😂

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Girl in a jacket
Message 14 of 77

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Day 2

Tonight`s show opened with Celebs in Clink complaining about David snoring and the freezing conditions.

In Main Camp, Matt made the others cup of tea and, as the only guy, the girls got him to twerk. They got a scroll which revealed that none of those in Main Camp would have to do the washing up or chop wood for the fire. Clink got a scroll telling them they would have to do the washing up for Main Camp and chop wood for their own fire and for Main Camp`s fire. 

In Clink, David talked about the time he suffered from a heart attack, which was a very moving description of what he went through. 


Celebs from the two camps would face each other in a challenge to win a treat for their camp.

First up were Arlene and Richard from Clink v Louise and Matty from Main Camp in Don`t Blow, having to answer questions about the Celebs. Answer moved a flame. Richard and Arlene won the challenge and got a Victoria sponge cake to take back to Clink.


Then came the trial - Deadly Diner. Viewers had voted Danny from Clink to do it. Coochie from Main Camp volunteered to take on Danny. Each faced 5 dishes.

First round. Danny - a cow`s teat = did it; Coochie - sheep`s foot = did it

Second round - Danny - pig`s brain = did it; Coochie - fermented duck`s egg = did it

Third round - Danny - fermented catfish = did it; Coochie - cow`s nose = did it

Fourth round - spin wheel [meal = additional side dish and drink; no meal = dish in front]

 - Danny = no meal - goat`s test-icles = did it; Coochie = meal - fish eye, side dish of vomit fruit, drink of pig uterus = did it

Fifth round. Danny - bull`s pen-is = did it; Coochie - cow`s an-us = did it.

With both having done five dishes; tie-break to drink fermented tofu against the clock. Danny won.

Danny and Coochie returned to their relevant camps. Coochie was pleased Danny had food for Clink but felt she had let her camp mates down. All showed and expressed their support for her.

At Clink, David, who had encouraged Danny in tackling the trial before he left for trial, said he was a champion and others were equally supportive. Click`s meal was trout, which Danny didn`t like or want and had veg.


Ant and Dec went to Main Camp and told Celebs the result of public vote for tomorrow`s show

Coochie would again face the trial - which will be Treacherous Traps.


Lots of laughs - Coochie`s reaction to having to eat a cow`s nose was hilarious; but the Deadly Diner food looked absolutely awful.        

Looking forward to tomorrow night`s show.


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 15 of 77

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@Mi-Amigo  I know it's still stupid but the lass is called Snoochie not Coochie, 😂

Another great show. Must admit I'd forgotten about that on pitch cardiac arrest David Ginola suffered.

Very very lucky . Normally they don't do 6 defibs, I expect it was because he was famous.  Yes it was a very touching story. The camp seem to hero worship him.


I'm amazed Danny Miller completed that task, let alone win it.  He was gagging all over the place.

Snoochie actually did damn well. If the final tie breaker had been anything other than a drinking challenge, she would have won.

Danny has had no end of scenes in Emmerdale where he necks a pint back.

It was also nice that the clink won the Victoria sponge. Though that was more down to Richard than Arlene. (The way Arlene went on, you would think she had done it all alone.) 🙄


So Snoochie has been chosen for the next challenge. I hope she chooses anyone other than Danny. I get fed up when the same people are picked for challenges.
A great show again.

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Girl in a jacket
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Day 4.

Started with showing those in the Clink feeling a bit down. Arlene didn't sleep well etc.

The inter camp trial was David and Naughty Boy against Frankie and Kadeena. David and Frankie shut in a cage with a water pipe. and a bucket. The pipe started to empty and had to be caught in a bucket. Buckets passed to Naught Boy and Kadeena who had to run up steps and empty back into pipe. Kadeena, the Olympic athlete was faster than Naughty boy so the Red team won. The prize was 5 biscuits.

You could see that Naughty Boy felt he was at fault. David Ginola said in camp media tent, it may have been better if he had done the running.


We then saw main camp talking about how they chose their jobs. Fascinating to hear Kadeena who was an athelete and then had stroke when she was 23, which left her with she had to carry on as a paralympian. Great role model.


Main Trial

The public voted for Snoochie last night to do this trial which was called Treacherous Traps. The red camp had to vote for someone from Clink. Needless to say they went for the 'weakest link' ie Naughty Boy.

They were put into underground coffins with rats and creepie crawlies. One hand strapped down, Had to unscrew a number of shields from one side and then drop the shield into a maze thing. They had to move the shields with a magnetic block into 3 parts at the other side. Actually Naughty Boy was pretty good with all the critters ie rats, cockroaches and mealworms. He just wasn't very good at moving the shields with the magnetic block.  Snoochie won again and Naughty boy was gutted again.

When he got back to camp he spoke about leaving. He was bright enough to know the red camp who had everything, had chosen the weakest link.

Once he started talking about this, he said he never wanted to join up with them and then Arlene (never one to be left out,) said she wanted to leave.

Encouraged by the other three to sleep on it, that's how it was left.

Then Richard told the group they were actually joining main camp the following day.

Not very happy about that due to 'dirty tricks'


The main trial for tomorrow is called Castle Kitchen Nightmares. The final picture showed all contestants together and Richard Madeley was chosen for the trial.

Apparently we will hear in tomorrows show, whether the Clink campmates did actually say anything to main camp. 😂


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Girl in a jacket
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I thought the water challenge was a little unfair with Naughty Boy against Kadeena, an Olypian. 

And Main Camp must have realised how Naughty Boy would feel when they chose him to go up against Snoochie in the main trial.

I thought the main trial was difficult and Naughty Boy did his best, hampered by not being able to get how to use the magnet, and Snoochie was determined to win having lost out in the main trial the day before.

Understandably Naughty Boy was gutted to go ack to camp empty-handed. Despite camp-mates rallying round, he said he couldn`t face joining up with Main Camp and was going to leave. Richard tried to get him to think about it overnight and then Arlene said she was going to leave too. 

When Ant and Dec went to announce who would be doing tonight`s trial, all of the Celebs were there - inc Naughty Boy and Arlene so something must have happened overnight.

We`ll find out what, and also see Richard take on the main trial, tonight...

Should be interesting and entertaining show tonight... Can`t wait....    


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

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Day 4.

So I have my days wrong. It wasn't day 4 yesterday, it's DAY 4 today. (Now I know how the camp mates feel) 😂

Anyway last night it ended with two of the Clink campmates (Arlene and Naughty Boy) ready to leave. Also not knowing how they would feel about Main Camp mates. They were to join main camp yesterday (shown today)

When they joined, the main camp mates were so happy to see them, all bad feelings disappeared.

Arlene said she just need female company and Naughty Boy felt the robin (he called Sunny) was a sign he should stay! What a load of *****


Cledwyns Camp Shop is back.

The trial saw Danny and Louise joined together in a large pair of dungarees where they both had one leg in a dungaree leg making them 3 legged and joined together. Had to find speaking toy chickens and work out the clue on 3 eggs before one hen house opened. It was funny because you couldn't understand what the chickens were saying. They did it though and the final box opened to give them the dingo/camp dollars.

Off to Cledwyns shack.They had a choice of Haribo sweet eggs or mini scotch eggs. They chose the Scotch eggs,

Question to camp was What percentage of people face front toward the shower when showering. 62% or 44%. The camp chose 62% (pushed by Richard) It was wrong. Correct answer 44%

So went back to camp with nothing.


Then Richard off to do his trial Kitchen Camp Nightmares. He was useless 😂

Big room with holes in kitchen boxes. Rats, Lizard Spiders with stars in. He only found two in there

Then down a kitchen chute into offal fish eyes and sludge. Of course stars were under this and he couldn't find them. Moved on and 3 stars were tied on knots hanging from ceiling. He only managed to undo two making excuses constantly about how cold it was and how tight the knots were. Got a total of 4 stars.

When he went back to camp I've never heard so many excuses and exaggeration.

The camp had squirrel to eat. Naughty Boy slept through it all, said he was too tired to eat.


Everyone getting on well so far.


Here comes the twist. The Next trial called the Scare Bears (or There) I missed the title of this trial. Ant and Dec said they would all be taking part. They were so excited.

What they WEREN'T told is two new Kings of The Castle are entering tomorrow, Adam Woodyatt and Simon Gregson. They will be involved in the trial.

I can't wait. Having people given the title of Kings when they enter late... usually causes a lot of resentment.

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Girl in a jacket
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