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How long on average have people spent working for an employer?

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I've worked where I am for just over 16 years but am getting the feeling it's time to move onto somewhere new.


Not because there's anything wrong with it, just think it's time, so just putting the above question 'out there' out of interest?



Message 1 of 24

Not applicable

Whenever I get itchy feet I move along. I think the longest in 1 job was 10 years, and that was 9 years too long.

You only get one life.. Do it with gusto!

Message 2 of 24

Level 94: Supreme
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I've had 2 serious jobs, one for 17 years and another for 18 years, plus a smattering of 1 or 2 year ones in between.....
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Message 3 of 24

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I have learning difficulties longest I lasted 18 months keep getting sacked n currentlt off on sick
Message 4 of 24

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Mmmmmm. same profession all my working life. ...

So worked at one hospital for 10 years, then moved house and worked in another hospital for 30 years.

Retired, got bored, joined a nursing agency and worked  for another 8 years.

Then my back gave up the ghost... so retired again.

Was still called on to give lectures and co-mark exam papers for Coventry Uni on a part time basis.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 5 of 24

Not applicable

@liggerz87 wrote:
I have learning difficulties longest I lasted 18 months keep getting sacked n currentlt off on sick



I'm sorry to hear that.


I hope things improve for you.



Message 6 of 24

Level 13: Prompter
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@Anonymous I'm not too dissimilar to yourself on this. For me, I weighed up the importance of being "happy" and getting enjoyment from my job against redundancy and pension. Both of which have a financial "incentive" due to the time at the same place of work.


Bottom line - I ended up going for a different role, but in the same company and looking more and more at pension / early retirement options.


Best thing I ever did though was changing companies after 18years slight_smile

Message 7 of 24

Level 21: Regular
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Longest time spent with a single employer was 4 years working in a pub when I was significantly younger than I am now


I’ve been self employed since 2012 primarily as a blogger so technically that is my longest running employment

Message 8 of 24

Not applicable

@Cleoriff wrote:

Mmmmmm. same profession all my working life. ...

So worked at one hospital for 10 years, then moved house and worked in another hospital for 30 years.

Retired, got bored, joined a nursing agency and worked  for another 8 years.

Then my back gave up the ghost... so retired again.

Was still called on to give lectures and co-mark exam papers for Coventry Uni on a part time basis.



I doff my virtual cap to you.


I have enormous respect for the nursing and medical profession, can't be easy seeing people in so much pain and getting to the point where you've done all you can.


Was in and out of hospital quite a bit when I was a kid and did genuinely consider studying medicine as the thought of healing people really did appeal but of course it isn't always like that and watching my Grandfather slowly slip away after they'd done all they could put a pin in that idea.




Thanks as always for your response.



Message 9 of 24

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Funny thing is @Anonymous, I only went into nursing to make my Mum and Dad proud.


My sister was a teacher, and limited opportunities to me,  meant it was a factory, a shop or a cadet scheme in Nursing.

I chose the latter and spent 3 years as a cadet which was part school, part secondment to various hospital depts.

At 18, I then went into nurse training. I loved it more than I thought I would as I had no expectations of becoming a 'Florence Nightingale soothing fevered brows'.

It was a job to start with and then became a vocation....much to my immense surprise. wink

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 10 of 24